This article will get you familiar with the internal elements structure of RadChat.
- RadChatElement - the main element in RadChat.
- ChatMessagesViewElement - the main container that hosts the messages.
- RadTextBoxElement - the text box which handles user's input.
- ChatMessageNameElement - represents the author's name and time of the message.
- ChatMessageBubbleElement - contains the message's content.
- ChatMessageAvatarElement - represents the author's avatar.
- TextMessageItemElement - represents a single text message.
- MediaMessageItemElement - represents a single image message.
- ChatTimeSeparatorItemElement - time separator between the messages in different days.
- ChatImageCardElement - represents an image card.
- StackLayoutPanel - the container that host all information elements.
- LightVisualElement - represents a single text/image element in the card.
ChatProductCardElement and ChatWeatherCardElement have identical visual structure: one StackLayoutPanel that hosts several LightVisualElement s.
- ChatFlightCardElement - represents a flight card.
- FlightStackLayoutPanel - the container that hosts the flight information elements.
- FlightCardAirportInfo - represents a single flight information element.
- LightVisualElement - represents a single text/image element in the card.