Loading Tab Content on Demand in .NET MAUI TabView
Product | TabView for .NET MAUI, Version 7.0.0 |
When using a TabView bound to an ItemSource
with an ItemTemplate
, loading UI-heavy content for each tab during page load can negatively impact performance. To enhance application responsiveness, it's beneficial to load the content of each tab item on demand, only when the user selects it.
This KB article also answers the following questions:
- How to improve performance by loading tab content on demand in .NET MAUI TabView?
- How to delay the loading of UI-heavy content in TabView tabs until selection?
- How to use attached properties for on-demand content loading in TabView?
To load tab item content on demand, create a TabViewUtils
class with two attached properties: LoadOnDemand
and LoadOnDemandTemplate
. The process consists of the following steps:
- Implemment the Attached Properties
- Set the TabItems DataTemplate
- Set Up the TabView in XAML
- Add Sample ViewModel and Data Model
Implementing the Attached Properties
First, implement the TabViewUtils
class with the necessary attached properties:
public static class TabViewUtils
public static readonly BindableProperty LoadOnDemandProperty = BindableProperty.CreateAttached(
"LoadOnDemand", typeof(bool), typeof(TabViewUtils), false, propertyChanged: LoadOnDemandChanged);
public static readonly BindableProperty LoadOnDemandTemplateProperty = BindableProperty.CreateAttached(
"LoadOnDemandTemplate", typeof(DataTemplate), typeof(TabViewUtils), null);
public static bool GetLoadOnDemand(BindableObject bindable) => (bool)bindable.GetValue(LoadOnDemandProperty);
public static void SetLoadOnDemand(BindableObject bindable, bool value) => bindable.SetValue(LoadOnDemandProperty, value);
public static DataTemplate GetLoadOnDemandTemplate(BindableObject bindable) => (DataTemplate)bindable.GetValue(LoadOnDemandTemplateProperty);
public static void SetLoadOnDemandTemplate(BindableObject bindable, DataTemplate value) => bindable.SetValue(LoadOnDemandTemplateProperty, value);
private static void LoadOnDemandChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
var tv = (RadTabView)bindable;
tv.PropertyChanged -= RadTabView_PropertyChanged;
if ((bool)newValue)
tv.PropertyChanged += RadTabView_PropertyChanged;
private static void RadTabView_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs args)
if (args.PropertyName == nameof(RadTabView.SelectedItem))
private static void UpdateSelectedItemContentTemplate(RadTabView tv)
if (tv.SelectedItem != null && tv.SelectedItem.ContentTemplate == null)
tv.SelectedItem.ContentTemplate = GetLoadOnDemandTemplate(tv.SelectedItem);
Setting the TabItems DataTemplate
Add the following DataTemplate to the page's resources:
<DataTemplate x:Key="TabViewItemContentTemplate">
<telerik:RadItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Customers}">
<telerik:RadBorder BorderColor="LightGray"
<Grid RowDefinitions="Auto, Auto"
<HorizontalStackLayout Spacing="10">
<Label Text=""
FontFamily="TelerikFontExamples" />
<Label Text="{Binding Name}" />
<HorizontalStackLayout Spacing="10"
<Label Text=""
FontFamily="TelerikFontExamples" />
<Label Text="{Binding Number}" />
Setting Up the TabView in XAML
Define your TabView
in XAML and apply the attached properties to enable on-demand content loading:
<telerik:RadTabView x:Name="tabView"
ItemsSource="{Binding Data}"
<telerik:TabViewItem HeaderText="{Binding Name}"
local:TabViewUtils.LoadOnDemandTemplate="{StaticResource TabViewItemContentTemplate}" />
Adding Sample ViewModel and Data Model
Ensure your ViewModel and data model are set up to provide data to the TabView
. Here's an example:
public class ViewModel
public ViewModel()
Data = new ObservableCollection<Location>
// Sample data
public ObservableCollection<Location> Data { get; set; }
public class Location
public string Name { get; set; }
public ObservableCollection<Customer> Customers { get; set; }
public class Customer
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Number { get; set; }
Using the LoadOnDemand
and LoadOnDemandTemplate
attached properties, you can efficiently manage the loading of tab content, significantly improving the performance and responsiveness of applications with UI-heavy tab content.