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Installing with NuGet in Visual Studio

To install the Telerik UI for .NET MAUI components, you can use the NuGet packages hosted on the public Telerik NuGet server. This online source lets you download and install various versions of the .NET MAUI controls and enables quick updates with minimal manual intervention.

Before adding the Telerik NuGet server to Visual Studio, make sure you have:

  1. .NET MAUI installed on the machine. For more information on the required steps and system requirements, refer to the official Microsoft .NET MAUI documentation.
  2. A commercial or trial license for Telerik .NET MAUI. Note that the Telerik NuGet server requires authentication and checks if you have a valid license.

Step 1: Add the Telerik NuGet Package Source to Visual Studio

To configure the Telerik NuGet feed in Visual Studio:

  1. Open Visual Studio.
  2. Go to Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Settings.
  3. Select Package Sources, and then click the + button.
  4. In the Source field, enter If you use a locally available NuGet package downloaded from your account, add the path to the local package instead of the URL.
  5. Click Update and then OK.

    Package Sources field with the checked Telerik NuGet option

You have successfully added the Telerik NuGet feed as a Package source.

Step 2: Install the Telerik UI for .NET MAUI NuGet Package

The next steps describe how to authenticate your local NuGet instance and display the available packages:

  1. Create a new .NET MAUI project or open an existing project.
  2. Right-click the solution in the Solution Explorer window.
  3. Select Manage NuGet Packages for Solution....
  4. Select the Telerik NuGet Package source from the drop-down list.
  5. Click the Browse tab to see the available packages.
  6. Enter your Telerik credentials in the Windows Authentication dialog.
  7. In the Visual Studio Package Manager, you will see all packages that are licensed to your user account.
  8. Search for the Telerik.UI.for.Maui or Telerik.UI.for.Maui.Trial package and select it.
  9. Choose the projects which require the package.
  10. Select the desired version and click Install.

Manage Packages for Solutions dialog with the search field and the Telerik.UI.for.MAUI package

Step 3: Register the Required Handlers

To visualize the .NET MAUI controls, you have to register the required handlers by calling the Telerik.Maui.Controls.Compatibility.UseTelerik extension method inside the Configure method of the MauiProgram.cs file of your project.

  1. Add the needed using settings inside the MauiProgram.cs file.

    using Telerik.Maui.Controls.Compatibility;
  2. Call the UseTelerik() method inside the MauiProgram.cs file.

    public static class MauiProgram
    public static MauiApp CreateMauiApp()
        var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
            .ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
                fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
        return builder.Build();

    See Also

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