Views Overview
RadScheduler displays appointments in seven basic views: Day view, Week view, Month view, Timeline view, Multi-Day, Agenda view, and Year view. The SelectedView property specifies which of these views the scheduler uses when it first appears (loads). By default, the user can move between Day, Week, Month, Timeline, and Multi-Day views using the view tabs. You can remove these controls and prevent the user from changing the view, by setting the ShowViewTabs property to false. You can remove specific view tab by setting the UserSelectable property to false.
If you try to restrict the RadScheduler to Month view , be aware that it allows the user to toggle into Day View using the more... link whenever the number of appointments in a day exceeds the limit that is set by the MonthVisibleAppointmentsPerDay property. To prevent this, however you can use the NavigationCommand event and set your desired logic.
Common Settings for All Views
In this section you may find all common properties that are shared among all views. That way you can set them (or modify) globally and thus apply them for all views instead of only to a single view.
HeaderDateFormat - Sets the date format shown in the RadScheduler header section on the left side.
ReadOnly - Restricts users from inserting, editing (moving or resizing) and deleting appointments.
UserSelectable - Restricts user from accessing the current view.
ShowResourceHeaders - Shows/hides the appointments resource headers.
Resource Grouping
If custom Resources are defined, the data shown in the RadScheduler can be grouped by Resources. Resource Grouping is available in all views. To enable it, you must set the GroupBy property to the name of the Resource by which you want data to be grouped. Grouping is available only by one Resource with an exception for the special 'Date' Resource. If you set the GroupBy property to "Date,[ResourceName]", data will be grouped by the specified Resource as well as by Date.
In addition, you can set the GroupingDirection property to Horizontal or Vertical to specify the direction of the grouping (as the property name implies). This functionality is also available in all views.