Agenda View
As of Q3 2013 the new Agenda View is introduced for the RadScheduler control.
The Agenda View is a table structured like a simple list, which lists appointments for a specific period of time that is defined by the property NumberOfDays.
Please note that each Appointment represents a separate row. Unlike the other available views in the RadScheduler , it doesn’t have empty rows/cell representing timeslots since days with no appointments are not shown. Therefore user is not able to insert, move or resize appointments . However, editing is allowed and a delete operation could be achievedby using the delete handler shown on hover.
Agenda View Settings:
ResourceMarkerType - This property will be an enumeration with three values – None (default) , Block and Bar. Combined with Resource style mappings, this will enable the appointments to show a colored square or bar at the beginning of the appointment to indicate it’s resource.
ResourceColumnWidth - Sets the resource column's width when the RadScheduler is grouped by resource.
DateColumnWidth - Sets the date column's width.
TimeColumnWidth - Sets the width of the column showing the appointment start and end time.
ShowColumnHeaders - Shows/hides the header text of all AgendaView columns.
NumberOfDays - Indicates number of days to be displayed. For example if you want to show a week you can set it that value to 7.
Agenda View will provide full support for Resource and Date grouping, namely:
Basic look (Horizontal grouping)
Basic look (Vertical grouping)
Grouped by Resource (Horizontal)
Grouped by Resource (Vertical)
Grouped by Date, Resource (Horizontal)
Grouped by Date, Resource (Vertical)
See Also
- Custom date format in Scheduler with Agenda View Code Library project