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Predefined Elements

Test Studio Standalone

Predefined elements and element mapping is a Test Studio feature which introduce the the ability to create your automated tests while the application you will be testing is still in development and does not yet have the UI elements for the test or tests you want to create. You can create your test while waiting for the UI of the application to catch up.

You can start creating your automated tests using predefined elements and add actions or verifications against those elements.

In order to proceed create a Web or WPF test. Navigate to the Elements tab:

Elements tab

Click on Add Element button:

Add Element

The element gets added in the Predefined Elements section:

Element Added

Once created you can edit the properties of the element such as ControlType, FriendlyName and Technology type:

Edit Element's properties

If you are using Silverlight, please make sure you change the TechnologyType to Silverlight in order to be able to create the appropriate steps.

You can also use the Step Builder to create various steps against the element such as actions and verifications:


Visual Studio Plugin

In order to proceed create a Web or WPF test. Navigate to the Elements Explorer of the project:

Elements explorer VS

Click on Add Element button:

Add Element

The element gets added in the Predefined Elements section:

Element Added

Once created you can edit the properties of the element such as ControlType, FriendlyName and Technology type:

Edit Element's properties

If you are using Silverlight, please make sure you change the TechnologyType to Silverlight in order to be able to create the appropriate steps.

You can also use the Step Builder to create various steps against the element such as actions and verifications:
