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Using the Radial Gauge Report Item

The steps below will demonstrate how to add the Telerik Reporting Radial Gauge report item to reports.

Adding a Radial Gauge to the Report

Properties of the Gauge Report Item

The Gauge Report Item is a data item and as such inherits the properties of the Telerik.Reporting.DataItem class.

Properties specific to the Appearance

  • NeedleLength - Represents a percentage ratio to the total gauge radius. When the value is 100, the tip of the needle will touch the gauge range.
  • NeedlePointRadius - Represents the radius of the point from which the needle starts.
  • NeedleStyle - Represents a Style object for the gauge needle.
  • NeedleThickness- Represents the thickness of the needle.
  • StartAngle - Represents the number of degrees at which the full gauge arc will start.
  • SweepAngle - Represents the number of degrees, between 0 and 360 that the scale will sweep in a circle.

Properties specific to the Presentation

  • Labels - The RadialGaugeLabels collection associated with this gauge item.
    • SegmentCount - Represents the total count of labels that will be generated. It is recommended to be equal to the count of the Ticks.
    • FirstVisibleValue - Represents the value of the minimum value for which a label will be rendered. Can be used to restraint the label set. If left empty, all labels will be visible.
    • LastVisibleValue - Represents the value of the maximum value for which a label will be rendered. Can be used to restraint the label set. If left empty, all labels will be visible.
    • Format - Represents the Format instance used to format the label text.
    • Radius - Represents the radius at which the labels will be placed in a percentage ratio to the gauge's radius.
    • Style - Represents a Style instance, used to style labels' elements.
  • Ranges - The RadialGaugeRanges collection associated with this gauge item. A gauge can have multiple ranges. This is how the Three-range gauge is implemented.
    • ArcRadius - Represents the outer radius of the Gauge arc.
    • ArcWidth - Represents in percentage ratio the distance between the inner and outer border of the gauge arc. It is measured in absolute units.
    • RangeStart - Represents the value at which the given RadialGaugeRange will start.
    • RangeEnd - Represents the value at which the given RadialGaugeRange will end.
    • Style - Represents a Style instance, used to style range sectors.
  • Ticks - The RadialGaugeTicks collection associated with this gauge item.
    • SegmentCount - Represents the total count of ticks that will be generated. It is recommended to be equal to the count of the Labels.
    • FirstVisibleIndex - Represents the starting tick index from which ticks will be rendered. Ticks indexing starts at 0.
    • LastVisibleIndex - Represents the last tick index until which ticks will be rendered. Ticks indexing starts at 0.
    • Length - Represents the size of the tick's visual element in percentage ratio to the gauge radius.
    • Radius - Represents the radius at which the ticks will be placed in a percentage ratio to the gauge's radius. A value higher than 100 would have the engine render the ticks outside the gauge arc.
    • TickType - Represents the type of the shape that will be used for rendering the ticks.
    • Style - Represents a Style instance, used to style range sectors.

See Also

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