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Creating and Using Custom Parameter Editors

Overview of the Parameter Template Structure

Telerik Report Parameters come in many shapes and forms, for example, a report parameter can be a String which can be displayed with a simple Textbox editor, it can also be a DateTime which can be displayed with a DatePicker widget or it can even have AvailableValues requiring a more complex widget such as the DropDownList.

Considering the variety of types of report parameters, we have created a ParameterTemplate for each type, allowing for easy singular customization:

  • ParameterIntegerTemplate - Can be used for no-options Integer report parameters
  • ParameterDoubleTemplate - Can be used for no-options Float/Double report parameters
  • ParameterDateTimeTemplate - Can be used for no-options DateTime report parameters
  • ParameterBooleanTemplate - Can be used for no-options Boolean report parameters
  • ParameterStringTemplate - Can be used for no-options String report parameters
  • ParameterSingleSelectTemplate - Can be used for single-value report parameter with AvailableValues. Applied to every report parameter that has AvailableValues, regardless of its underlying type (string, long, etc.)
  • ParameterMultiSelectTemplate - Can be used for multiple-values report parameter with AvailableValues. Applied to every report parameter that has AvailableValues and can have multiple selected values, regardless of its underlying type (string, long, etc.)

A Report Parameter can have multiple selectable values when its MultiValue property is True.

Examples of setting the parameter editor for each type with the default widgets

A custom editor can be set for one or more parameter templates. Each parameter template has access to a parameter named context. This is the ReportParameterContext object of the current report parameter. The context is the place where all information for the report parameter is stored.

The following examples use the default editors that we ship the report viewer with.

        <TelerikNumericTextBox Value="@((long)context.Value)"
                            ValueChanged="@((long value) => context.Value = value)">
        <TelerikNumericTextBox Value="@((double)context.Value)"
                            ValueChanged="@((double value) => context.Value = value)">
        <TelerikDatePicker Value="@((DateTime)context.Value)"
                        ValueChanged="@((DateTime value) => context.Value = value)">
        <TelerikCheckBox Value="@((bool)context.Value)"
                        ValueChanged="@((bool value) => context.Value = value)">
        <TelerikTextBox Value="@((string)context.Value)"
                        ValueChanged="@((string value) => context.Value = value)">
        <TelerikDropDownList Data="@context.Parameter.AvailableValues"
                            OnChange="@((object value) => context.Value = value)">
        @{ var selectedValue = ((IEnumerable)context.Parameter.Value).Cast<object>().ToList(); }

        <TelerikMultiSelect Data="@context.Parameter.AvailableValues"
                            OnChange="@((object value) => context.Value = value)">

The example serves to give example for each parameter template, since these are the default editors that we already ship with, there is no need to implement this.

How to use a custom parameter editor - Blazor UI ListView

Let's try to use a widget that the Native Blazor Report Viewer is not able to use out of the box. For this example, we will use the Telerik Blazor UI's ListView widget. The code is as follows:

        <TelerikListView Data="@context.Parameter.AvailableValues">
            <Template Context="listViewContext">
                    var isSelected = context.Value?.Equals(listViewContext.Value) ?? false;
                    var className = (isSelected ? "k-selected" : string.Empty) + " k-list-item";
                <div class="@className" @onclick="@(()=> context.Value = listViewContext.Value)">@listViewContext.Name</div>
            var selectedValue = ((IEnumerable)context.Parameter.Value)?.Cast<object>()?.ToList();
        <TelerikListView Data="@context.Parameter.AvailableValues">
            <Template Context="listViewContext">
                    var isSelected = selectedValue?.Contains(listViewContext.Value) ?? false;
                    var className = (isSelected ? "k-selected" : string.Empty) + " k-list-item";
                <div class="@className" @onclick="@(()=> MultiSelectParameterTemplateItemClick(context, listViewContext.Value))">@listViewContext.Name</div>

@code {
    public ReportSourceOptions ReportSource { get; set; } = new ReportSourceOptions("Dashboard.trdp", new Dictionary<string, object>{});

    void MultiSelectParameterTemplateItemClick(ReportParameterContext reportParameterContext, object reportParameterValue)
        var selectedValue = ((IEnumerable)reportParameterContext.Parameter.Value).Cast<object>().ToList();

        if (selectedValue.Contains(reportParameterValue))

        reportParameterContext.Value = selectedValue;

In this example, we set the ListView widget to be used for both the ParameterSingleSelectTemplate and ParameterMultiSelectTemplate templates which means that all report parameters with available values will be rendered using the ListView widget, regardless of the type of the report parameter(string, DateTime, etc.)

See Also

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