Providing Custom Templates for the HTML5 Report Viewer
The article elaborates on how to use a customized HTML template for the HTML5 Report Viewer.
All path references in the article should be adapted according to your project setup. For more information please refer to the MSDN article ASP.NET Web Project Paths. The mentioned Report Viewer Template files are provided with your Telerik Reporting Installation - Installation Directories.
If you have a custom HTML template you should provide it to the telerik_ReportViewer plugin’s options:
The HTML template file is an HTML page while the templates are HTML document fragments inside HTML5 template elements:
The templates are loaded during the initialization of the telerik_ReportViewer widget. Since this is an asynchronous network operation(the template HTML is loaded with an HTTP GET request) that takes an unpredictable amount of time, the widget is not operational until it is successful; to find when the viewer is completely loaded provide a callback function to the telerik_ReportViewer widget: