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Single-Page Application Overview

The Kendo UI Single-Page Application (SPA) is a set of classes which aim at simplifying the building of rich client-side based web applications.

For more information about the SPA pattern, refer to the Wikipedia article.

Basic Concepts

  • The Router class is responsible for tracking the application state and navigating between the application states. The router integrates into the browser history using the fragment version of the URL (#page), making the application states book-markable and linkable. The router instance is also used for programmatic navigation to a given state. For more information on Kendo UI Router class, refer to its overview article.
  • The View and Layout classes are used for the UI rendering. UI event handling and data binding can be performed either through MVVM or through declarative data attribute initialization.

Creating the SPA

The following example demonstrates how to create a Kendo UI SPA.

Open In Dojo
    <div id="app"></div>

    <script id="index" type="text/x-kendo-template">
        Hello <span data-bind="text: foo"></span>
        <button data-bind="click: buttonClick">Click me to call view model code</button>
        <a href="#" data-bind="click: goToView2">Go to view 2</a>

        // Models.
        var viewModel = kendo.observable({
          foo: "World!",

          init: function() {
            console.log("view init",;

          show: function() {
            console.log("view show",;

          buttonClick: function() {
            alert("button clicked");

          goToView2: function(e) {

        // Views, layouts.
        var layout = new kendo.Layout("<header>Header</header><section id='content'></section><footer>Footer</footer>");

        var index = new kendo.View("index", { model: viewModel, init: viewModel.init.bind(viewModel), show: });

        var detail = new kendo.View("<span>Detail - press your browser back button to navigate back.</span>");

        // Routing.
        var router = new kendo.Router();

        router.bind("init", function() {

        router.route("/", function() {
            layout.showIn("#content", index);

        router.route("/detail", function() {
            layout.showIn("#content", detail);

        $(function() {
