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Exporting Tabular Data to PDF

The built-in PDF export option of the Kendo UI Grid exports as many columns as it can fit on a page with a defined page size.

The default export mechanism of the Grid uses the drawDOM function which renders HTML content. However, drawDOM cannot do horizontal page splitting and, as a result, wide content gets truncated. To work around this issue, you can fit the content on the page by using the scale argument but if the Grid is too wide, this approach will result in making the text too small.

To export a table with a large number of columns to PDF, load the Kendo UI Spreadsheet and use the kendo.spreadsheet.drawTabularData static method which utilizes the print layout algorithm of the Spreadsheet widget. The kendo.spreadsheet.drawTabularData function takes a data source and a column object array, and produces a Drawing group which can then be saved as a multi-page PDF. By default, the order of the pages is from left to right and from top to bottom.

The suggested approach is independent from the Kendo UI Grid implementations and requires only a data source and column titles. The approach does not support more advanced Grid features such as HTML row or cell templates.

To control the generated table, use any of the following options:

  • dataSource—Must be a data source which contains tabular data. For example, the data source of the Grid.
  • columns—Must be a columns description of the Grid, that is, an array of objects which contains a title and a field. The title and the field serve to display the header row which is repeated on every page.
  • guidelines—Controls whether the Grid lines are displayed. By default, guidelines is set to true.
  • guideColor—Sets the color of Grid lines in a CSS notation.
  • headerBackground—Stes the background color for headers.
  • headerColor—Sets the text color for the headers.
  • oddBackground—Sets the background for the odd rows.
  • evenBackground—Sets the background for the even rows.
  • fontFamily—Sets the font family. By default, fontFamily is set to Arial.
  • fontSize—Sets the font size. By default, fontSize is set to 12.
  • paperSize—Sets the paper size. By default, paperSize is set to A4.
  • margin—Sets content margin. By default, margin is set to 1cm.
  • landscape—Sets the paper orientation. By default, landscape is set to true.
  • fitWidth—Determines whether to fit content on paper width. This will scale down content if needed to avoid horizontal splitting. By default, fitWidth is set to false.
  • scale—Sets a scale factor. No scale is set by default. By default, scale is set to 1.
  • rowHeights—Determines the row height in screen pixels. By default, rowHeights is set to 20.
<button onclick="saveTabularData()">Export PDF</button>
<div id="grid"></div>
  function saveTabularData() {
      dataSource: grid.dataSource,
      columns: grid.columns,
      headerBackground: "#567",
      headerColor: "#fff",
      evenBackground: "#eee",
      kendo.pdf.saveAs(group, "test.pdf");

  $(document).ready(function() {
    window.grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
      dataSource: {
        type: "odata",
        transport: {
          read: ""
        schema: {
          model: {
            fields: {
              OrderID: { type: "number" },
              Freight: { type: "number" },
              ShipName: { type: "string" },
              OrderDate: { type: "date" },
              ShipCity: { type: "string" }
      height: 550,
      filterable: true,
      sortable: true,
      pageable: true,
      columns: [
          filterable: false
          field: "CustomerID",
          title: "Customer ID"
          field: "Freight",
          title: "Freight"
          field: "OrderDate",
          title: "Order Date",
          format: "{0:MM/dd/yyyy}"
        }, {
          field: "ShipName",
          title: "Ship Name"
        }, {
          field: "ShipRegion",
          title: "Ship Region"
        }, {
          field: "ShipCity",
          title: "Ship City"
        }, {
          field: "ShipAddress",
          title: "Ship Address"
        }, {
          field: "ShipPostalCode",
            title: "PO Code"
        }, {
          field: "ShipCountry",
          title: "Ship Country"

See Also

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