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Validation Summary

The Validator enables you to list validation errors in a separate container through the validationSummary option.

The listed errors link to the corresponding form elements and focus them upon clicking an error message from the validation summary list.

Default Configuration

The default value of the validationSummary option is false which means that the validation summary element will not be rendered when the form is validated.

Enabling the Summary

To enable the summary of validation messages, set the validationSummary option to true. As a result, the Validator will render a container before the element on which the component is initialized.

<div id="myform">
    <input type="text" name="firstName" required />
    <input type="text" name="lastName" required />
    <button id="save" type="button">Save</button>

        validationSummary: true

Specifying the Summary Location

You can render the summary of the validation messages in a container of your choice by utilizing the validationSummary.container option. For example, you can display the validation summary under the validated content with the following configuration:

<form id="myform">
    <input name="username" required /> <br />
<div id="summary">

      validationSummary: {
        container: "#summary"

Customizing the Validation Messages

You can change the default template of the validation summary through the validationSummary.template option. Note that the data-field attribute will link the error message to the corresponding form control and focus it on click.

<form id="myform">
    <input name="username" required /> <br />

<script type="x/kendo-template" id="summary-template">
        #for(var i = 0; i < errors.length; i += 1){#
            <li><a data-field="#=errors[i].field#" href="\\#">#= errors[i].message #</a></li>
        # } #

      validationSummary: {
        template: kendo.template($("#summary-template").html())

Showing and Hiding the Summary Programmatically

To control the visibility of the summary container, use the showValidationSummary() and hideValidationSummary() methods.

However, note that showValidationSummary() will render error messages only if the form is already validated.

Retrieving a Summary Element from the Validator Instance

You can retrieve the DOM element of the summary through the Validator instance.

    // Attach a Validator to the container and get a reference.
    var validator = $("#myform").kendoValidator({
      validationSummary: true


See Also

In this article