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The items configuration options allows you to customize the appearance and behavior of the Form. If it is not set, the Form will render default editors based on the data provided in its formData configuration.

The following example shows the Form initialized with the items option not set.

    <form id="form"></form>

        $(document).ready(function () {
                formData: {
                    Username: "",
                    Email: "",
                    Password: "",
                    Birth: new Date(),
                    Agree: false

Setting the items configuration maps the model fields and allows you to:

  • customize the editors
  • customize the labels and hints of the editors
  • group the editors
  • set validation rules for specific fields

Configure Label

The following example shows how to set the label of an item. Enabling the optional setting, indicates that the field is optional (not required).

    <form id="form"></form>

        $(document).ready(function () {
                formData: {
                    FirstName: "",
                    LastName: "",
                    Birth: new Date()
                items: [
                        field: "FirstName",
                        label: "First Name:",
                        validation: { required: true }
                        field: "LastName",
                        label: "Last Name:",
                        validation: { required: true }
                        field: "Birth",
                        label: { text: "Date of Birth:", optional: true }

Configure Hint

The following example shows how to set the hint of an item. The hint is displayed below the editor of the field.

    <form id="form"></form>

        $(document).ready(function () {
                formData: {
                    FirstName: "",
                    LastName: "",
                    Password: ""
                items: [
                        field: "FirstName",
                        label: "First Name:",
                        validation: { required: true }
                        field: "LastName",
                        label: "Last Name:",
                        validation: { required: true }
                        field: "Password",
                        label: "Password:",
                        validation: { required: true },
                        hint: "Hint: enter alphanumeric characters only."

Configure Editor

With the editor option you can explicitly configure an editor to be used for a specific field. See the editor configuration option in the client-side API documentation, for a list of the supported editors.

    <form id="form"></form>

        $(document).ready(function () {
                formData: {
                    FirstName: "",
                    LastName: "",
                    Password: ""
                items: [
                        field: "TextBox",
                        label: "TextBox:",
                        validation: { required: true }
                        field: "NumericTextBox",
                        editor: "NumericTextBox",
                        label: "NumericTextBox:",
                        validation: { required: true }
                        field: "MaskedTextBox",
                        editor: "MaskedTextBox",
                        label: "MaskedTextBox:",
                        validation: { required: true }
                        field: "DatePicker",
                        editor: "DatePicker",
                        label: "DatePicker:",
                        validation: { required: true }
                        field: "DateTimePicker",
                        editor: "DateTimePicker",
                        label: "DateTimePicker:",
                        validation: { required: true }
                        field: "Switch",
                        editor: "Switch",
                        label: "Switch:",
                        validation: { required: true }
                        field: "ComboBox", editor: "ComboBox", label: "ComboBox:", validation: { required: true },
                        editorOptions: {
                            placeholder: "Select product",
                            dataTextField: "ProductName",
                            dataValueField: "ProductID",
                            filter: "contains",
                            dataSource: {
                                type: "odata",
                                serverFiltering: true,
                                transport: {
                                    read: {
                                        url: "",

Custom Editor

You can implement custom editor by using the editor option as a function as follows:

    <form id="form"></form>

        $(document).ready(function () {
                formData: {
                    Description: "",
                items: [{
                    field: "Description",
                    label: "Description:",
                    editor: function(container, options) {
                        $("<textarea class='k-textarea' name='" + options.field + "' required data-bind='value: " +  options.field + "'></textarea>")
                    validation: { required: true }

See Also

In this article