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The Form has a built-in validator. Validation of all Form fields is triggered on form submission. By default, the Form displays a validation message when an editor is focused, then blurred without setting its value.

The following example shows how to disable the built-in validation on blur.

    <form id="form"></form>

        $(document).ready(function () {
                validatable: {
                    validateOnBlur: false,
                formData: {
                    ID: 1,
                    Name: "",
                    Address: ""
                items: [
                        field: "Name",
                        label: "Name:",
                        validation: { required: true }
                        field: "Address",
                        label: "Address:",
                         validation: { 
                          required: { 
                            message: "Custom required validation message" 

Validation Summary

The Form can display a list of all validation errors. The validation summary is rendered as a unordered list of messages. By default, this option is disabled.

The following example shows how to enable validation summary in the Form.

    <form id="form"></form>

        $(document).ready(function () {
                validatable: {
                    validationSummary: true
                formData: {
                    ID: 1,
                    Name: "",
                    Address: ""
                items: [
                        field: "Name",
                        label: "Name:",
                        validation: { required: true }
                        field: "Address",
                        label: "Address:",
                        validation: { required: true }

You can set the validationSummary.Container option, if you want to use an element as a container for the validation messages. This allows you to specify where the messages will be displayed, for example, above the Form, below it, or elsewhere on the page.

    <div class="summary-container"></div>

    <form id="form"></form>

        $(document).ready(function () {
                validatable: {
                    validationSummary: { container: ".summary-container" }
                formData: {
                    ID: 1,
                    Name: "",
                    Address: ""
                items: [
                        field: "Name",
                        label: "Name:",
                        validation: { required: true }
                        field: "Address",
                        label: "Address:",
                        validation: { required: true }

Error Message Template

You can customize validation error messages with templates.

The following example shows how to define a template with the errorTemplate option.

    <form id="form"></form>

        $(document).ready(function () {
                validatable: {
                    errorTemplate: "<span><strong>#=message#</strong></span>"
                formData: {
                    ID: 1,
                    Name: "",
                    Address: ""
                items: [
                        field: "Name",
                        label: "Name:",
                        validation: { required: true }
                        field: "Address",
                        label: "Address:",
                        validation: { required: true }

Custom Validation

You can implement your own validation logic by using the validation option, similarly to the way custom rules can be used in the Validator (see Custom Rules for more details).

The following example demonstrates custom validation of the RetireDate field.

    <form id="form"></form>

        $(document).ready(function () {
                formData: {
                    FirstName: "John",
                    LastName: "Doe",
                    HireDate: new Date(2020, 0, 1),
                    RetireDate: new Date(2020, 0, 1)
                items: [{
                    type: "group",
                    label: "Employee Information",
                    items: [
                        { field: "FirstName", label: "First Name:", validation: { required: true } },
                        { field: "LastName", label: "LastName:", validation: { required: { message: "test" }}, hint: "Hint: enter alphanumeric characters only." },
                        { field: "HireDate", label: { text: "Hire Date:" }, validation: { required: true }, },
                            field: "RetireDate",
                            label: { text: "Retire Date:" },
                            validation: {
                                required: true,
                                greaterdate: function (input) {
                                    if ("[name='RetireDate']") && input.val() != "") {
                                        var date = kendo.parseDate(input.val()),
                                            hireDate = kendo.parseDate($("[name='HireDate']").val());
                                        input.attr("data-greaterdate-msg", "Retire Date should be after Hire Date");
                                        return hireDate == null || hireDate.getTime() < date.getTime();

                                    return true;

Using the Validator Instance

The Kendo Ui Form utilizes the Kendo UI Validator component internally. This behavior facilitates use cases, in which you may need to use the Validator API—for example, to programmatically trigger validation.

    <form id="myForm"></form>

        var form = $("#myForm").kendoForm({
            formData: {
                ID: 1,
                Name: "",
                Address: ""
            items: [{
                field: "Name",
                label: "Name:",
                validation: { required: true }
            }, {
                field: "Address",
                label: "Address:",
                validation: { required: true }


See Also

In this article