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Remote Data

The Kendo UI FileManager provides a built-in DataSource which allow you to quickly set up and implement a remote data-binding functionality.

To bind the FileManager to remote data, specify the dataSource option and supply the object with the needed endpoints for read, create, update and destroy operations. The following example demonstrates such implementation, and the actual endpoints configurations could be found in here:

 <div id="filemanager"></div>

        dataSource: {
            transport: {
                read: {
                    url: "/kendo-ui/service/FileManager/Read",
                    method: "POST"
                create: {
                    url: "/kendo-ui/service/FileManager/Create",
                    method: "POST"
                update: {
                    url: "/kendo-ui/service/FileManager/Update",
                    method: "POST"
                destroy: {
                    url: "/kendo-ui/service/FileManager/Destroy",
                    method: "POST"
        uploadUrl: "/kendo-ui/service/FileManager/Upload"

The following list provides information about the default requests and responses for the create, read, destroy operations.

  • create—Makes a POST request for the creation of a directory with the following parameters.

  • read—Makes a POST request that contains the path parameter to specify the path which is browsed and expects a file listing in the following format:

  • destroy—Makes a POST request containing FormData with the following parameters:

    • name—The file or directory to be deleted.
    • path—The directory in which the file or the directory resides.
    • extension— The extension of the deleted file. No extension in the data, if a folder is deleted.
    • size&mdash The file size, as provided by the read response.
    • isDirectory— Boolean, specifying if the deleted is a file or not.
    • hasDirectories— Boolean, specifying if the deleted contains folders.
    • created— Created Date of the deleted item.
    • createdUtc— Created Date in UTC format of the deleted item.
    • modified— Modified Date of the deleted item.
    • modifiedUtc— Created Date in UTC formats of the deleted item.
  • update—Makes a POST request, containing the FileEntry object. The expected response is a file object in the following format:

  • Overview of Kendo UI FileManager

  • Navigation in Kendo UI FileManager
  • Preview Panes in Kendo UI FileManager
In this article