
Gets or sets the editor of the cells in the range.

value String optional

The name of the custom cell editor, registered as described in this help article


String name of the custom cell editor.


    <div id="spreadsheet" style="width: 100%;"></div>
        kendo.spreadsheet.registerEditor("color", function(){
            var context, dlg, model;

            // Further delay the initialization of the UI until the `edit` method is
            // actually called, so here just return the object with the required API.

            return {
                edit: function(options) {
                    context = options;
                icon: "k-icon k-i-background"

            // This function actually creates the UI if not already there, and
            // caches the dialog and the model.
            function create() {
                if (!dlg) {
                    model = kendo.observable({
                        value: "#000000",
                        ok: function() {
                            // This is the result when OK is clicked. Invoke the
                            // callback with the value.
                        cancel: function() {
                    var el = $("<div data-visible='true' data-role='window' data-modal='true' data-resizable='false' data-title='Select color'>" +
                               "  <div data-role='flatcolorpicker' data-bind='value: value'></div>" +
                               "  <div style='margin-top: 1em; text-align: right'>" +
                               "    <button style='width: 5em' class='k-button' data-bind='click: ok'>OK</button>" +
                               "    <button style='width: 5em' class='k-button' data-bind='click: cancel'>Cancel</button>" +
                               "  </div>" +
                    kendo.bind(el, model);

                    // Cache the dialog.
                    dlg = el.getKendoWindow();

            function open() {

                // If the selected cell already contains some value, reflect
                // it in the custom editor.
                var value = context.range.value();
                if (value != null) {
                    model.set("value", value);

       $(function() {
               sheetsbar: false,
               excel: {
                   // Required to enable Excel Export in some browsers
                   proxyURL: "//demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/service/export"
               sheets: [{
                   rows: [{
                       cells: [
                           { value: "Select color:", bold: true },
                           { background: "#fef0cd",
                             editor: "color" }

In this article