
A dictionary of special keys' ASCII codes, which can be accessed by user-friendly names, instead of their numeric values. The collection includes only key codes, which are used by the Kendo UI widgets' source code.

kendo.keys collection

Open In Dojo
kendo.keys = {
    INSERT: 45,
    DELETE: 46,
    TAB: 9,
    ENTER: 13,
    ESC: 27,
    LEFT: 37,
    UP: 38,
    RIGHT: 39,
    DOWN: 40,
    END: 35,
    HOME: 36,
    SPACEBAR: 32,
    PAGEUP: 33,
    PAGEDOWN: 34,
    F2: 113,
    F10: 121,
    F12: 123,
    NUMPAD_PLUS: 107,
    NUMPAD_MINUS: 109,
    NUMPAD_DOT: 110

The key codes are especially helpful in keydown, keyup and keypress event handlers.

kendo.keys usage example

Open In Dojo
function onMyKeyPress(e) {
    // if ENTER key is pressed, do something
    if (e.keyCode == kendo.keys.ENTER) {
        // .....
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