
A range of useful supported by the current browser capabilities and features.


touch BooleanReturn true if the browser supports touch events.
pointers BooleanReturn true if the browser supports pointer events (IE10 and Metro apps currently).
scrollbar FunctionChecks for the browser scrollbar width, returns scrollbar width in pixels, 0 if no scrollbars available (e.g. in mobile).
hasHW3D BooleanReturn true if the browser supports 3D transitions and transforms.
hasNativeScrolling BooleanReturns true if the browser supports overflow-scrolling CSS property (currently only iOS 5+).
devicePixelRatio Number (default: 1)Returns the current device's Device to Pixel Ratio. Doesn't work in Windows Phone 8, where IE10 doesn't support it.
placeholder BooleanReturns true if the browser supports input placeholders.
zoomLevel Number (default: 1)Returns the current zoom level on a mobile browser (returns 1 on desktop).

support.transforms Object

Returns a number of browser specific transformation properties

support.transforms##### transforms.css String

Returns the CSS prefix of the current browser proprietary transform properties. E.g. "-webkit-", "-moz-", "-o-", "-ms-"

transforms.prefix StringReturns the JavaScript prefix of the current browser proprietary transform properties. E.g. "webkit", "Moz", "O", "ms"

support.transitions Object

Returns a number of browser specific transition properties

support.transitions##### transitions.css String

Returns the CSS prefix of the current browser proprietary transition properties. E.g. "-webkit-", "-moz-", "-o-", "-ms-"

transitions.prefix StringReturns the JavaScript prefix of the current browser proprietary transition properties. E.g. "webkit", "Moz", "O", "ms"
transitions.event StringReturns the transition end event name in the current browser. E.g. "webkitTransitionEnd", "transitionend", "oTransitionEnd"

support.mobileOS Object

Returns a number of properties that identify the current mobile browser. Parses navigator.userAgent to do it. False on desktop.

support.mobileOS##### device String

Returns the current mobile device identifier, can be "fire", "android", "iphone", "ipad", "meego", "webos", "blackberry", "playbook", "wp", "windows".

tablet String (default: false)Returns the current tablet identifier or false if the current device is not a tablet, can be "fire", "ipad", "playbook" or false.
browser String (default: "default")Returns the current browser identifier or "default" if the browser is the native one, can be "omini", "omobile", "firefox", "mobilesafari", "webkit", "ie", "default".
name StringReturns the current os name identifier, can be "ios", "android", "blackberry", "windows", "webos", "meego". For convenience a property with the os name is also initialized,

for instance:

if ( {
    // Do something in Android
majorVersion StringThe current OS major version, e.g. "5" in iOS 5.1.
minorVersion StringThe current OS minor versions, e.g. "1.1" in iOS 5.1.1.
flatVersion NumberA convenience property to allow easier version checks, for instance:
var os =;
if (os.ios && os.flatVersion >= 400 && os.flatVersion < 500) {
    // Do something in iOS 4.x
appMode BooleanReturns true if running in application mode - pinned to desktop in iOS or running in PhoneGap/WebView.
cordova BooleanReturns true if running in a Cordova/PhoneGap/Telerik AppBuilder application.

support.browser Object

Convenience replacement for the now deprecated jQuery.browser. It returns an object with the browser identifier initialized as a boolean property and a version. The identifiers are identical to jQuery ones, e.g. "webkit", "opera", "msie", "edge" and "mozilla". In addition WebKit browsers will return their name e.g. "safari" and "chrome".

/* The result can be observed in the DevTools(F12) console of the browser. */
    // Chrome will return this object: { "webkit": true, "chrome": true, "version": 37 }
    // IE11 will return this one: { "msie": true, "version": 11 }

support.browser##### version Number

The current browser major version, e.g. "7" in Internet Explorer 7.

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