labels Object

The default labels configuration of the Sankey. The labels configuration options will be overridden by the data.nodes.label configuration.

Example - Setting the default labels options of the Sankey

<div id="sankey" style="width: 500px; height: 200px;"></div>
        data: {
            nodes: [
                { id: 1, label: { text: "Node 1" } },
                { id: 2, label: { text: "Node 2" } },
                { id: 3, label: { text: "Node 3" } }
            links: [
                { sourceId: 1, targetId: 3, value: 2 },
                { sourceId: 2, targetId: 3, value: 1 }
        labels: {
            align: "left",
            color: "red",
            font: "12px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif",
            margin: { left: 8, right: 8 },
            offset: { left: 0, top: 0 },
            opacity: 1,
            padding: 0,
            position: "inside",
            stroke: { color: "white", lineJoin: "round", width: 1 },
            visible: true
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