legend Object
The legend configuration options of the Sankey.
Example - Setting the legend of the Sankey
<div id="sankey" style="width: 500px; height: 200px;"></div>
data: {
nodes: [
{ id: 1, label: { text: "Node 1" } },
{ id: 2, label: { text: "Node 2" } },
{ id: 3, label: { text: "Node 3" } }
links: [
{ sourceId: 1, targetId: 3, value: 2 },
{ sourceId: 2, targetId: 3, value: 1 }
legend: {
background: "white",
border: { color: "black", dashType: "solid", width: 1 },
labels: {
color: "black",
font: "12px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif",
position: "right",
title: {
align: "center",
background: "white",
color: "black",
font: "bold 16px Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif",
position: "bottom",
text: "Legend",
Related Properties
- legend.align
- legend.background
- legend.border
- legend.border.color
- legend.border.dashType
- legend.border.width
- legend.height
- legend.item
- legend.item.areaBackground
- legend.item.areaOpacity
- legend.item.cursor
- legend.item.visual
- legend.labels
- legend.labels.color
- legend.labels.font
- legend.labels.margin
- legend.labels.margin.bottom
- legend.labels.margin.left
- legend.labels.margin.right
- legend.labels.margin.top
- legend.labels.padding
- legend.labels.padding.bottom
- legend.labels.padding.left
- legend.labels.padding.right
- legend.labels.padding.top
- legend.margin
- legend.margin.bottom
- legend.margin.left
- legend.margin.right
- legend.margin.top
- legend.offsetX
- legend.offsetY
- legend.orientation
- legend.padding
- legend.padding.bottom
- legend.padding.left
- legend.padding.right
- legend.padding.top
- legend.position
- legend.reverse
- legend.spacing
- legend.title
- legend.title.align
- legend.title.background
- legend.title.border
- legend.title.border.color
- legend.title.border.dashType
- legend.title.border.width
- legend.title.color
- legend.title.font
- legend.title.margin
- legend.title.margin.bottom
- legend.title.margin.left
- legend.title.margin.right
- legend.title.margin.top
- legend.title.padding
- legend.title.padding.bottom
- legend.title.padding.left
- legend.title.padding.right
- legend.title.padding.top
- legend.title.position
- legend.title.text
- legend.title.visible
- legend.visible
- legend.width