pannable Boolean|Object (default: true)

Defines the pannable options. Use this setting to disable Diagram pan or change the key that activates the pan behavior.

Example - disabling Diagram panning

<div id="diagram" style="width:800px"></div>
    layout: {
      type: "tree",
      subtype: "right"
    pannable: false,
    shapes: [{
      id: "1",
      content: {
        text: "Monday"
    }, {
      id: "2",
      content: {
        text: "Tuesday"
    }, {
      id: "3",
      content: {
        text: "Wednesday"
    connections: [{
      from: "1",
      to: "2"
      from: "2",
      to: "3"
    connectionDefaults: {
      endCap: "ArrowEnd"

pannable.key String (default: "ctrl")

Defines the meta key that will be used while panning the Diagram. To avoid clashes, verify that the pannable.key and selectable.key options are different. The available values are:

  • "none" - No activation key
  • "ctrl" - The activation key will be Ctrl
  • "shift" - The activation key will be Shift
  • "alt" - The activation key will be Alt

This option is not applicable for mobile devices.

Example - enabling panning using the Shift key

<div id="diagram" style="width:800px"></div>
    layout: {
      type: "tree",
      subtype: "right"
    pannable: {
      key: "shift"
    shapes: [{
      id: "1",
      content: {
        text: "Monday"
    }, {
      id: "2",
      content: {
        text: "Tuesday"
    }, {
      id: "3",
      content: {
        text: "Wednesday"
    }, {
      id: "4",
      content: {
        text: "Thursday"
    }, {
      id: "5",
      content: {
        text: "Friday"
    }, {
      id: "6",
      content: {
        text: "Saturday"
    }, {
      id: "7",
      content: {
        text: "Sunday"
    connections: [{
      from: "1",
      to: "2"
      from: "2",
      to: "3"
      from: "3",
      to: "4"
      from: "4",
      to: "5"
      from: "5",
      to: "6"
      from: "6",
      to: "7"
    connectionDefaults: {
      endCap: "ArrowEnd"
In this article