fill String|Object

Defines the fill options of the rectangle.

fill.color String

Defines the fill color of the rectangle.

fill.opacity Number (default: 1)

Defines the fill opacity of the rectangle.

fill.gradient Object

Defines the gradient fill of the shape.

fill.gradient.type String (default: "linear")

The type of the gradient. Supported values are:

  • linear
  • radial Array

The center of the radial gradient.

Coordinates are relative to the shape bounding box. For example [0, 0] is top left and [1, 1] is bottom right.

fill.gradient.radius Number (default: 1)

The radius of the radial gradient relative to the shape bounding box.

fill.gradient.start Array

The start point of the linear gradient.

Coordinates are relative to the shape bounding box. For example [0, 0] is top left and [1, 1] is bottom right.

fill.gradient.end Array

The end point of the linear gradient.

Coordinates are relative to the shape bounding box. For example [0, 0] is top left and [1, 1] is bottom right.

fill.gradient.stops Array

The array of gradient color stops.

fill.gradient.stops.offset Number

The stop offset from the start of the element. Ranges from 0 (start of gradient) to 1 (end of gradient).

fill.gradient.stops.color String

The color in any of the following formats.

Format Description
red Basic or Extended CSS Color name
#ff0000 Hex RGB value
rgb(255, 0, 0) RGB value

Specifying 'none', 'transparent' or '' (empty string) will clear the fill.

fill.gradient.stops.opacity Number

The fill opacity. Ranges from 0 (completely transparent) to 1 (completely opaque).