The Connection object is a visual link or connection in the graph or diagram. Connections are usually created by calling connect on a Diagram instance.
- content.color
- content.fontFamily
- content.fontSize
- content.fontStyle
- content.fontWeight
- content.template
- content.text
- content.visual
- stroke.color
- stroke.dashType
- stroke.width
- hover.stroke
- hover.stroke.color
- startCap.fill
- startCap.fill.color
- startCap.fill.opacity
- startCap.stroke
- startCap.stroke.color
- startCap.stroke.dashType
- startCap.stroke.width
- startCap.type
- endCap.fill
- endCap.fill.color
- endCap.fill.opacity
- endCap.stroke
- endCap.stroke.color
- endCap.stroke.dashType
- endCap.stroke.width
- endCap.type
- points.x
- points.y