startCap String|Object

The start cap configuration or type name.

Example - configuring the start cap

Open In Dojo
<div id="diagram"></div>
    shapes: [{
      visual: function() {
        var group = new kendo.dataviz.diagram.Group();
        group.append(new kendo.dataviz.diagram.Path({
          data: 'M 0,0 L100,100',
          startCap: {
            type: "ArrowStart",
            fill: "red"
        return group;

startCap.fill String|Object

The start cap fill options or color.

startCap.fill.color String (default: "black")

The start cap fill color.

startCap.fill.opacity Number

The start cap fill opacity.

startCap.stroke String|Object

The start cap stroke options or color.

startCap.stroke.color String

The start cap stroke color.

startCap.stroke.dashType String

The start cap stroke dash type.

startCap.stroke.width Number

The start cap stroke width.

startCap.type String (default: "none")

The start cap type.

The supported values are:

  • "none": no cap
  • "ArrowStart": a filled arrow
  • "FilledCircle": a filled circle