CalendarView for Xamarin.Android: Special Slots
With R3 2019 release of Telerik UI for Xamarin RadCalendarView for Xamarin.Android provides the option to define a collection of special and restricted time slots in order to make them noticeable across the timeline of the Day and MultiDay views.
You just need to prepare a collection of Com.Telerik.Widget.Calendar.Slots.SpecialSlot
objects, create a Com.Telerik.Widget.Calendar.Slots.SlotAdapter
object and assign the SpecialSlots collection to its Slots property.
Every SpecialSlot has the following properties:
- StartDate;
- EndDate;
- IsReadOnly: When set to True the slot is disabled (restricted), meaning the end user wouldn't be able to create or modify appointments at that slot;
- SlotColor: the background color applied to the defined slot;
Below you can find a quick example how to create special slots.
Here is the result: