Add Appointment Button

With R2 2020 Release of Telerik UI for Xamarin RadCalendar control provides you the option to add appointments using the calendar's Add Appointment Button. By default the add appointment button is not visible. In order to display it on the screen you need to use the following porperty:

  • IsAddAppointmentVisible(bool): Specifies whether the add appointment button will be visible. If you want to add appointments using the button you need to set the IsAddAppointmentVisible to True.
<telerikInput:RadCalendar x:Name="calendar"
                          AppointmentsSource="{Binding Appointments}"
        <local:AppointmentsViewModel />
  • In addition the add appointment button has an event AddAppointmentButtonClicked which occurs when the Button within the Calendar is tapped. Telerik.XamarinForms.Input.IsAddAppointmentButtonVisible controls the visibility of the button.
private void calendar_AddAppointmentButtonClicked(object sender, AddAppointmentButtonClickedEventArgs e)
    // implement your logic here

The image below shows where is the button position when IsAddAppointmentVisible="True":

Appointment Button

See Also

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