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Custom Brushes

The RadSvgImage component allows you to specify paint servers that will be applied to the displayed SVG image. This is done by setting the CustomBrushes property. This property is of the type of Dictionary<string, Brush>.

The following example shows how to utilize the CustomBrushes property:

Defining a sample SVG file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" 
     viewBox="0 0 512 512" enable-background="new 0 0 512 512" xml:space="preserve"> 
        <solidColor id="sheet-part"/> 
        <solidColor id="gear-part"/> 
    <path id="sheet" fill="url(#sheet-part)" stroke="black" stroke-width="0" d="M352,32H96c-17.7,0-32,14.3-32,32v384c0,17.7,14.3,32,32,32h320c17.7,0,32-14.3,32-32V128L352,32z M416,448H96V64h224v96h96 V448z"/> 
    <path id="gear" fill="url(#gear-part)" stroke="black" stroke-width="0" d="M374.1,323.4l-23.7-17.9c1-5.7,1.6-11.5,1.6-17.4c0-6-0.5-11.8-1.6-17.4l23.7-17.9c3.7-2.8,4.7-7.9,2.4-11.9l-19.4-33.5 
        c4.2,1.8,9.2,0.1,11.5-3.9l19.4-33.5C378.8,331.2,377.8,326.2,374.1,323.4z M256,336c-26.5,0-48-21.5-48-48c0-26.5,21.5-48,48-48 
Create a custom Dictionary collection to define it in XAML:

Defining a custom Dictionary collection

public class CustomDictionary : Dictionary<string, Brush> { } 
Public Class CustomDictionary 
    Inherits Dictionary(Of String, Brush) 
End Class 

Creating a new instance of the custom Dictionary and add entries

        <local:CustomDictionary x:Key="CustomBrushesDictionary"> 
            <SolidColorBrush x:Key="sheet-part" Color="Red"/> 
            <SolidColorBrush x:Key="gear-part" Color="Yellow"/> 

Setting the new custom Dictionary instance to the CustomBrushes property

        <local:CustomDictionary x:Key="CustomBrushesDictionary"> 
            <SolidColorBrush x:Key="sheet-part" Color="Red"/> 
            <SolidColorBrush x:Key="gear-part" Color="Yellow"/> 
    <telerik:RadSvgImage x:Name="svgImage" 
                         CustomBrushes="{StaticResource CustomBrushesDictionary}" 
RadSvgImage with custom Dictionary set to the CustomBrushes property

WPF RadSvgImage with custom Dictionary set to the CustomBrushes property

See Also

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