This article describes the release history of the RadRibbonView control.
To see the fixes and features included in our latest official release please refer to our Release History .
Q1 2014
What's Fixed
RibbonView does not close its SelectedTab Popup
Design-time exceptions
Dynamically added controls to the Items property of the RibbonView are placed inside the RibbonTabs header
Implicit style doesn't apply on RadRibbonTabs which are added via PRISM
NullReferenceException design-time exception is thrown in VS designer
RibbonWindow throws a TypeInitializationException when used with VSTO Addin
Right Alt key should also activate the Key Tips
The Image is displayed on top of the Content
VS Designer trows exceptions if a RibbonTab is placed in a UserControl
When a view doesn't specify DesignHeight/Width, the RibbonView throws design-time exception if it contains ContextualGroups
Does not work correctly when non-transparent grid is used as a content
RibbonTitle bar (including the Contextual tab header) goes over the Window Buttons
The title is not displayed.
The title is not trimmed when resizing
Ability to bind the screentip to text and image
Expose a property to control the visibility of the background behind the RibbonTab.Headers
RibbonView does not extract its template in SL using Blend
RibbonGroup Image in collapsed state have white border
RibbonView does not show all of its tabs
What's New
Add a way to include "Press F1 for help" to screentips
Add DataBinding Support for ContextualGroups/ContextualTabs
This feature is further described in the Contextual Tabs tutorial.
Allow hiding the tab headers
This feature is further described in the Ribbon Tab tutorial.
Implement Character Ellipses in the Title
Allow multiple gesture keys to be set
This feature is further described in the Keyboard Support tutorial.
The Title of the RadRibbonWindow should be created from the Title and ApplicationName strings of the RibbonView automatically
Allow easily customizing the ApplicationButton Width
Use the RadRibbonView ApplicationButtonStyle property to apply a custom Width on the ApplicationButton as described in the Styling the ApplicationButton tutorial.
Add ScreenTip for the Application Button
Use the RadRibbonView ApplicationButtonStyle property to set a ScreenTip for the ApplicationButton.
Ability to bind the screentip to text and image
This feature is further described in the Screen Tips tutorial.
Q2 2013
What's Fixed
Fixed: Allow resizing in a databound RibbonView
Fixed: ApplicaionName is not visible
Fixed: BackstageSelectedItem not show correctly after theme changed runtime
Fixed: Buttons content is placed under the image and is clipped if longer than the RibbonButton itself
Fixed: Cannot add RadDocking control without dimensions in the RadRibbonWindow
Fixed: Creating RadRibbonWindow in separate STA thread throws an exception
Fixed: Don't display the selected content when clicking on a minimized tab while the Backstage menu is opened
Fixed: Don't open a ScreenTip while hovering over the DropDownContent of a RibbonSplitButton
Fixed: Gallery background and RibbonDropDownButton border are with wrong colors in Expression Dark
Fixed: GalleryItems have poorly visible hover effect
Fixed: If the BackstageMenu control is used outside the RibbonView control, its visual selection state is incorrect
Fixed: If two buttons have the same KeyTip.AccessText and the first button is Collapsed, hitting the AccessText shortcut will still execute its action
Fixed: In some themes the background highlighting of a selected collapsed group isn't reset as expected
Fixed: KeyTips's AccessText is entered in editable control
Fixed: MinMaxClose buttons of the RadRibbonWindow in Windows XP are aligned to bottom
Fixed: Misplaced KeyTips when using RibbonWindow on two or more monitors
Fixed: Not selected tabs' foreground is wrong when changing implicit themes run time
Fixed: Pressing the ApplicationButton does not open the Backstage in some scenarios
Fixed: Selection issues when using the MinimizeButton
Fixed: System.IO.FileNotFoundException thrown when application runs on window8 with all exceptions enabled in VS
Fixed: The Font color of the Application button is hard to read
Fixed: The KeyTip AccessText is not displayed when the QAT is databound
Fixed: The RadRibbonBackstageItems show empty key tips even if they don't define any value for the KeyTipService.AccessText attached property
Fixed: There is NullReferenceException when a styled Window hold the control
Fixed: When IsBackstageOpen is initially set to True, the BackstageItems cannot be selected
Fixed: When ResizeMode is NoResize or CanMinimize a horizontal white line appears at the bottom of the window
Fixed: When the DropDown of a DropDownButton/SplitButton is opened through a KeyTip with two-letter AccessText, the DropDownContent items cannot be properly accessed
Fixed: When the RibbonView is placed in a RibbonWindow, there is a space left around the ribbon
Fixed: Wrong visual display of disabled BackstageItem
What's New
Feature: Consider changing the RibbonSplitButton Windows8 style
Feature: Don't display the selected content when clicking on a minimized tab while the Backstage menu is opened
Feature: The Backstage focus behavior should be improved
Feature: When the Backstage is open the KeyTips should start from its content
Q1 2013
What's Fixed
Fixed: When maximizing the Ribbon, groups are not resized as expected
Fixed: Blurred images inside button groups
Fixed: If the Width property of a RibbonGroup is set, the ribbon scrolling mechanism doesn't work correctly
Fixed: Setting the IsSelected to true on RadRibbonTab from a RadRibbonContextualGroup does not work as expected
Fixed: Change the RadCollapsiblePanel to display its optimum layout in a CollapsedGroup.DropDown
Fixed: RadCollapsiblePanel stops working after some resizing of the ribbon
Fixed: Contextual groups hide/show issue
Fixed: The ribbon buttons do not center their icon
Fixed: The Image and Text of the RibbonButtons cannot be centered
Fixed: RadRibbonTabs do not go into "MouseOver" state properly when their MinWidth is set
Fixed: Null reference exception when RibbonButton bound to empty text
Fixed: Changing DataContext does not remove selected tab content
Fixed: The arrow in the Large sized RadRibbonDropDownButton is not positioned correctly
Fixed: Activating Window's system menu when clicking in the top half of the ApplicationMenu
Fixed: Application menu flickers when it is opened
Fixed: Application theme is not applied to classes that inherit from RadRibbonGroup
Fixed: Change the RibbonRadioButton Foreground on Selected
Fixed: Changing theme in run-time from a RibbonDropDownButton placed in the RibbonView throws exception
Fixed: Check for Division by zero in calculating rows in RadRibbonGallery.
Fixed: Continious MouseOver near the edge of a RadRibbonGroup
Fixed: ContextualGroup Header goes behind the Title of the RadRibbonWindow
Fixed: Design time Errors for missing icons when using implicit themes
Fixed: Icons are not included correctly in NoXaml dlls and this causes a design time error
Fixed: If a RibbonTab contains a Collapsed RibbonGroup, the variants resizing logic doesn't work correctly
Fixed: Memory leak
Fixed: Misplaced ContextualGroupHeader on activation
Fixed: Not showing tab's content when changing the tab's visibility asynchronously
Fixed: RadRibbonGallery does not show initially the SelectedItem in databinding scenarios
Fixed: RadRibbonSplitButton throws exception.
Fixed: RibbonGallery UpDownButtonTitle and MoreButtonTitle properties are not applied in WPF
Fixed: Setting the Content of a RibbonSplitButton added to a second RibbonTab throws an exception
Fixed: Setting the WindowIconVisibility property throws exception
Fixed: Support for browser zooming
Fixed: The application menu doesn't reposition itself when the window is resized
Fixed: The popup with minimized tabs isn't closed
Fixed: The RadRibbonComboBox DropDownContent doesn't display the selected item
Fixed: The text in the RadRibbonDropDownButton and RadRibbonSplitButton is not aligned
Fixed: There is a black border line under the selected tab
Fixed: Tooltip icon should not be streched – ScreenTip
Fixed: When group is collapsed, the buttons in the popup are not sized correctly
Fixed: When placed in Window with ResizeMode=CanResizeWithGrip, the BackStage does not open and exception is printed in output.
Fixed: When RadRibbonDropDownButton is pressed in the Application Menu the menu closes
Fixed: When the ribbon is minimized with a double click on a tab header, the QAT menu minimization option isn't updated
Fixed: Allow setting an ImageSource as the source of the RibbonWindow.Icon
Fixed: The RibbonWindow cannot be moved by dragging the left area of the TitleBar
What's New
Feature: Add DialogLauncherCommand functionality to RadRibbonGroup
Feature: Make the height of the ribbon flexible
Feature: Synchronize the ContextualTabs placement with the corresponding ContextualHeader's Width
Feature: New ButtonGroup style
Q3 2012
What's Fixed
Fixed: RadRibbonWindow's title is cut, when maximized
Fixed: RibbonGroup variants priorities aren't applied as expected throughout the tab
Fixed: UI Automation peers don't work if a RibbonView's element is put in a panel
Fixed: When RibbonGroup has Visibility = Hidden the keytips of the controls inside it are still shown
Q2 2012
What's Fixed
Fixed: AccessText does not show on a RibbonGroup when it is in Collapsed RibbonGroupVariant
Fixed: Black Square Occurs when Backstage is Opened in XBAP
Fixed: Disable the QAT Minimize the Ribbon option if the ribbon isn't minimizable and change the caption of the item if the ribbon is minimized.
Fixed: A ContextualGroup Header isn't moved when displaying a non-contextual collapsed RibbonTab
Fixed: Populating a RibbonGroup in xaml causes the designer to switch the selection to the last tab of the ribbon
Fixed: When the BackstageMenu is open, the parent Window cannot be resized
Fixed: If you click on a KeyTip of a RadMenuItem in the DropDownContent of a DDButton/SplitButton, the DropDown content is closed but the key tips are not
Fixed: The RibbonWindow Icon property isn't applied.
Fixed: When SplitButton or DropDownButton is used in the ApplicationMenu, the DropDownContent is not placed in the "Recent Documents" section
Fixed: KeyTips are not shown on RadRibbonGroups
Fixed: Clicking a RibbonButton in ApplicationMenu does not close the menu
Fixed: UI Automation peers of the RadRibbonView crash IE
Fixed: An exception is thrown when the ribbon contains a ContextualGroup without tabs
Fixed: Resizing a RibbonView that contains an active contextual group containing at least one contextual tab, throws an exception
You can examine the Q2 2012 release history in our site.
Q1 2012
What's Fixed
Fixed: The style of the RibbonDropDownButton doesn`t load in Expression Blend if the DropDownContent is set
Fixed: RadRibbonToggleButton`s text is too light when the button is ON and ExpressionDarkTheme is applied
Fixed: The KeyTips of collapsed elements are displayed
Fixed: Define the ContextualGroup width accordingly to the width of its header
Fixed: When a Group's Visibility is set to Invisible, some spacing is not removed
Fixed: The arrow of the DropDownButton of the RadRibbonGallery has wrong layout in Metro and Expression_Dark themes
Fixed: Cannot be used in XBAP in Q3 2011
Fixed: Wrong state visualization of the RadRibbonToggleButton when the theme is set as an element theme on the RadRibbonView
Fixed: KeyTips are not shown when they are set on controls placed in middle-row of the RibbonGroup
Fixed: InvalidOperationException occurs when a collapsed RibbonTab has active ContextualGroup
Fixed: Add a possibility to choose between MS Office look and MS theme look of the RadRibbonWindow
What's New
Feature: RibbonWindow's chrome should be themable
Feature: Add databinding support for RibbonGroup.Variants collection
You can examine the Q1 2012 release history in our site.