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Indicators Overview

RadChartView provides a rich set of financial indicators which can be used to display a certain overlay on the data. The indicators are used to measure and visualize summarised information or a trend based on the provided data.

The financial indicators are applicable only in the context of RadCartesianChart.

Figure 1: Financial indicators

Setting Up an Indicator

The indicator itself is a chart series but with some additional sampling applied over the data before it gets plotted on the chart. The indicators are added in the Indicators collection of RadCartesianChart.

Example 1: Defining TrueRangeIndicator

    <telerik:TrueRangeIndicator CategoryBinding="Date"  
                                ItemsSource="{Binding Data}"/> 
The indicator is populate using the same approach as shown in the Data Bind to Data-Object article. You can set the corresponding value binding properties - for example, ValueBinding, CategoryBinding, HighBinding, CloseBinding, etc. Additionally, you can apply different options based on the concrete indicator's implementation.

See the Financial and Stock Series/Indicators examples in the demos application for a demonstration of the indicators.

List of Indicators

This section provides a full list with the chart's indicators.

See Also

In this article