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Getting Started with WPF BulletGraph

This tutorial will walk you through the creation of a RadBulletGraph.

Assembly References

In order to use RadBulletGraph in your project you have to add a reference to the following assemblies:

  • Telerik.Windows.Controls
  • Telerik.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization
  • Telerik.Windows.Data

You can find the required assemblies for each control from the suite in the Controls Dependencies help article.

Adding Telerik Assemblies Using NuGet

To use RadBulletGraph when working with NuGet packages, install the Telerik.Windows.Controls.DataVisulization.for.Wpf.Xaml package. The package name may vary slightly based on the Telerik dlls set - Xaml or NoXaml

Read more about NuGet installation in the Installing UI for WPF from NuGet Package article.

BulletGraph Types

The RadBulletGraph suite provides two controls - one horizontally arranged and one vertically.

  • RadHorizontalBulletGraph

  • RadVerticalBulletGraph

Visual Structure

The following image describes the main elements of the RadBulletGraph control.

Figure 1: BulletGraph visual elements

WPF RadBulletGraph BulletGraph visual elements

Defining the RadBulletGraph

The following examples show how to define a simple horizontal and vertical bullet graphs.

Example 1: Defining horizontal bullet graph control

<telerik:RadHorizontalBulletGraph FeaturedMeasure="60" 
        <telerik:QualitativeRange Brush="#A8A8A8" Value="150" /> 
        <telerik:QualitativeRange Brush="#C6C8C8" Value="225" /> 
        <telerik:QualitativeRange Brush="#E8E8E8" /> 

Figure 2: RadHorizontalBulletGraph

WPF RadBulletGraph RadHorizontalBulletGraph

Example 2: Defining vertical bullet graph control

<telerik:RadVerticalBulletGraph FeaturedMeasure="60"  
        <telerik:QualitativeRange Brush="#A8A8A8" Value="150" /> 
        <telerik:QualitativeRange Brush="#C6C8C8" Value="225" /> 
        <telerik:QualitativeRange Brush="#E8E8E8" /> 

Figure 3: RadVerticalBulletGraph

WPF RadBulletGraph RadVerticalBulletGraph

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See Also

In this article