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Creating a BulletGraph Programmatically

The following article will demonstrate how to create a simple Horizontal Bullet graph programmatically but the approach is the same for the Vertical Bullet graph too.

  1. The first thing you have to do is to create a new instance of the RadHorizontalBulletGraph class in the code and add it to a parent control.

    Example 1: Creating a new instance of RadHorizontalBulletGraph and adding it to the parent container

        RadHorizontalBulletGraph horizontalBulletGraph = new RadHorizontalBulletGraph(); 
  2. Configure the BulletGraph by setting sample values for it's properties.

    Example 2: Setting up the bullet graph

        horizontalBulletGraph.AutoRange = false; 
        horizontalBulletGraph.Width = 300; 
        horizontalBulletGraph.Height = 60; 
        horizontalBulletGraph.Minimum = 0; 
        horizontalBulletGraph.Maximum = 100; 
        horizontalBulletGraph.FeaturedMeasure = 60d; 
        horizontalBulletGraph.ComparativeMeasure = 65d; 
        horizontalBulletGraph.ProjectedValue = 75d; 
        QualitativeRange range = new QualitativeRange(); 
        range.Value = 50; 
        range.Brush = CombineAlphaAndColorInSolidColorBrush(1, "#A8A8A8"); 
        QualitativeRange range1 = new QualitativeRange(); 
        range1.Value = 70; 
        range1.Brush = CombineAlphaAndColorInSolidColorBrush(1, "#C6C8C8"); 
        QualitativeRange range2 = new QualitativeRange(); 
        range2.Brush = CombineAlphaAndColorInSolidColorBrush(1, "#E8E8E8"); 

    The Colors for the qualitative ranges are set with Hex Values and are converted to SolidColorBrush using the method provided in this forum post.

The full source code for creating Horizontal BulletGraph in code-behind.

Example 3: The full code of the example

public MainPage() 
    RadHorizontalBulletGraph horizontalBulletGraph = new RadHorizontalBulletGraph(); 
    horizontalBulletGraph.AutoRange = false; 
    horizontalBulletGraph.Width = 300; 
    horizontalBulletGraph.Height = 60; 
    horizontalBulletGraph.Minimum = 0; 
    horizontalBulletGraph.Maximum = 100; 
    horizontalBulletGraph.FeaturedMeasure = 60d; 
    horizontalBulletGraph.ComparativeMeasure = 65d; 
    horizontalBulletGraph.ProjectedValue = 75d; 
    QualitativeRange range = new QualitativeRange(); 
    range.Value = 50; 
    range.Brush = CombineAlphaAndColorInSolidColorBrush(1, "#A8A8A8"); 
    QualitativeRange range1 = new QualitativeRange(); 
    range1.Value = 70; 
    range1.Brush = CombineAlphaAndColorInSolidColorBrush(1, "#C6C8C8"); 
    QualitativeRange range2 = new QualitativeRange(); 
    range2.Brush = CombineAlphaAndColorInSolidColorBrush(1, "#E8E8E8"); 
protected static SolidColorBrush CombineAlphaAndColorInSolidColorBrush(double opacity, string color) 
    SolidColorBrush theAnswer = new SolidColorBrush(); 
    // deal with opacity 
    if (opacity > 1.0) 
        opacity = 1.0; 
    if (opacity < 0.0) 
        opacity = 0.0; 
    // get the hex value of the alpha chanel (opacity): 
    byte a = (byte)(Convert.ToInt32(255 * opacity)); 
    // deal with the color 
        byte r = (byte)(Convert.ToUInt32(color.Substring(1, 2), 16)); 
        byte g = (byte)(Convert.ToUInt32(color.Substring(3, 2), 16)); 
        byte b = (byte)(Convert.ToUInt32(color.Substring(5, 2), 16)); 
        theAnswer.Color = Color.FromArgb(a, r, g, b); 
        theAnswer.Color = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 0, 0); 
    return theAnswer; 

The result:  WPF RadBulletGraph Data Binding

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