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Conversion API

The Conversion API of the Chart, allows the conversion of a position on the screen (for example the position of the mouse) to chart coordinates data.

Convert Point to Data

To convert pixel cooridantes (like mouse position) to axis data coordinates, use the ConvertPointToData method of the chart.

Tuple<object, object> data = this.chart.ConvertPointToData(new Point(100, 100)); 
The ConvertPointToData has another overload that allows you provide also the axes where the coordinates are searched.

Tuple<object, object> data = this.chart.ConvertPointToData(new Point(100, 100), horizontalAxis, verticalAxis); 
The Tuple&lt;object, object&gt; object returned from the method contains two values - one for the horizontal and one for the vertical axis.

Convert Data to Point

To convert axis data coordinates to pixel cooridantes (like mouse position), use the ConvertDataToPoint method of the chart.

Point point = this.chart.ConvertDataToPoint(new Tuple<object, object>(xValue, yValue)); 
The ConvertDataToPoint has another overload that allows you provide also the axes where the point is searched.

Point point = this.chart.ConvertDataToPoint(new Tuple<object, object>(xValue, yValue), horizontalAxis, verticalAxis); 
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