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The ViewModelBase abstract class is designed to serve as a base class for any view model that needs to raise the PropertyChanged event.

ViewModelBase implements the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. This means that you can directly inherit the class in your view models instead of implementing the interface for each model separately.

Example 1: Custom ViewModel that inherits ViewModelBase

using Telerik.Windows.Controls; 
public class MyViewModel : Telerik.Core.ViewModelBase 
    private MyItemInfo selectedItem; 
    private ObservableCollection<MyItemInfo> items; 
    public MyItemInfo SelectedItem 
        get { return this.selectedItem; } 
            if (value != this.selectedItem) 
                this.selectedItem = value; 
                this.OnPropertyChanged(() => this.SelectedItem); 
    public ObservableCollection<MyItemInfo> Items 
            return this.items; 
            this.items = value; 
As shown in Example 1, when explicitly specifying the changed property, there are few overloads for the OnPropertyChanged method. The OnPropertyChanged method supports also the CallerMemberName attribute which means that you can call the method without providing the property's name.

Example 2: Using the OnPropertyChanged overload with the CallerMemberName attribute

public MyItemInfo SelectedItem 
    get { return this.selectedItem; } 
        if (value != this.selectedItem) 
            this.selectedItem = value; 

See Also

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