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Properties, Methods and Events for RadStepProgressBar


Property Description
StepProgressBarElement Gets the RadStepProgressBarElement that represents the main element of the control.
Steps Gets a collection of StepProgressItem objects that represents the different steps of the progress bar.
Current Gets the current step. That is the step which has its progress last updated or it is last completed or cancelled.
IndicatorSize Gets or sets the size of the step indicators.
StepSpacing Gets or sets the spacing between the steps.
ConnectionThickness Gets or sets the thickness of the connections.
Orientation Gets or sets the orientation of the control.
HideConnections Gets or sets whether the connection elements will be hidden.
ProgressMode Determines how the steps are related with regard to their progress.
EnableItemInProgressVisualState Determines whether steps which are in progress (between 0 and 100) are visually indicated.
LayoutMode Determines how the step items are measured and arranged in the available space.
NavigationStep Determines the scroll step of the navigation buttons when they are visible in the Absolute layout mode.

RadStepProgressBarElement's Properties

Property Description
ItemsContainer The panel element holding the visual step items.
PreviousButton Gets the previous button of the control.
NextButton Gets the next button of the control.

StepProgressItem's Properties

Property Description
Connection Gets the connection element.
StepIndicator Gets this indicator element.
FirstContentElement Gets the first content element.
SecondContentElement Gets the second content element.
IndicatorSize Gets or sets the step size. If you use this property to set the step size, the property will unbind from the IndicatorSize property. In order to bind it again, you need to reset the property, using ResetIndicatorSize() method.
ConnectionLength Gets or sets the length of the connection. If you use this property to set the step spacing, the property will unbind from the StepSpacing property. In order to bind it again, you need to reset the property, using ResetConnectionLength method.
ConnectionThickness Gets or sets the thickness of the connection. If you use this property to set the step spacing, the property will unbind from the ConnectionThickness property. In order to bind it again, you need to reset the property, using ResetConnectionThickness method.
Orientation Gets or sets the orientation of the step item. If you use this property to set the step spacing, the property will unbind from the Orientation property. In order to bind it again, you need to reset the property, using ResetOrientation method.
IsError Gets or sets whether the item is in error state. If yes, the progress will change to 0.
Progress Gets or sets the progress of the step. Setting the progress of an item may affect the progress of the other items. This behavior is controlled by the StepProgressMode enum set on the element's ProgressMode property.
ProgressStatus Gets the prgress status.
EnableItemInProgressVisualState Determines whether there is a separate visual state of the step when its progress is between 0 and 100.
Completed Gets or sets whether the step is completed. Setting this property also changes the step's Progress property. If the property is set to false, the step's progress will change to 0.
FirstHeader Gets or sets the header of the first content element.
FirstDescription Gets or sets the description of the first content element.
SecondHeader Gets or sets the header of the second content element.
SecondDescription Gets or sets the description of the second content element.
IsFirst Determines if the step is first.
IsLast Determines if the step is last.
Previous Gets the previous step.
Next Gets the next step.


Method Description
MovePrevious Tries to move the current to the previous available step. In case there is no current step or the current step is first inside the Steps collection, the position will not change.
MoveNext Tries to move the Current to the next available position. In case there is no current, the next step will be the first item in the Steps collection. If the current step is at the end of the Steps collection, the position will not change.
Reset Sets the current step to null.
CompleteNext If the current step is not completed sets its progress 100. Otherwise tries to complete the next step if there is such.
CompletePrevious Sets the progress of the current step to 0 and completes the previous step if there is such.
CompleteAll Completes all steps by setting their progress to 100.
CancelAll Sets the progress of all steps to 0.
CompleteStep Completes the step by setting its progress to 100.
CancelStep Sets the progress of the step to 0.
ResetIndicatorSize Resets the IndicatorSize property to the default value.
ResetStepSpacing Resets the StepSpacing property to the default value.
ResetConnectionThickness Resets the ConnectionThickness property to the default value.
ResetOrientation Resets the Orientation property to the default value.


Event Description
StepProgressChanging Fires before updating a StepProgressItem's Progress.
StepProgressChanged Fires when a StepProgressItem's Progress has been updated.
CurrentChanged Fires after the Current property changes.

See Also

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