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Properties, Methods and Events for RadToastNotificationManager


Property Description
ToastNotifications A collection with initialized toast notifications.


Method Description
Unregister() Unregister a registered manager.
Unregister(string shortcutName, string aumid) Unregister a registered manager, passing the name of the shortcut that will be removed and the unique id of the application.
Unregister() where T : RadToastNotificationActivatorBase Unregister a registered manager with a custom activator.
Unregister(string shortcutName, string aumid) where T : RadToastNotificationActivatorBase Unregister a registered manager with a custom activator, passing the name of the shortcut that will be removed and the unique id of the application.
ShowNotification(int index) Shows a notification from ToastNotifications collection using its index.
ShowNotification(string name) Shows a notification from ToastNotifications collection using its name.
ShowNotification(RadToastNotification radToastNotification) Shows a given toast notification.
HideNotification Hides the currently shown toast notification.


Event Description
RadToastOnActivated Static event. Fires the event when a toast activates.

See Also

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