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This topic describes the events you can use in RadSpreadsheet so you can get a notification about different actions.

RadSpreadsheet Events

  • ActiveSheetChanged: Occurs when the active sheet is changed.

  • ActiveSheetEditorChanged: Occurs when the active sheet editor is changed.

  • MessageShowing: Occurs when the user is presented with a warning message. The event arguments are of type MessageShowingEventArgs and expose the following properties:

    • IsHandled: Gets or sets whether the event is handled.
    • Header: Gets or sets the header of the message.
    • Content: Gets or sets the content of the message.
    • NotificationType: Gets or sets the type of the notification. The property is of type MessageBoxNotificationType.

The code from Example 1 shows how to disable the messages appearing when the user is trying to edit a protected worksheet.

Example 1: Disable messages related to protection using the MessageShowing event

public void AttachToMessageShowingEvent()
    this.radSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetElement.MessageShowing += radSpreadsheet_MessageShowing;
private void radSpreadsheet_MessageShowing(object sender, MessageShowingEventArgs e)
    if (e.NotificationType == Telerik.WinForms.Controls.Spreadsheet.Dialogs.MessageBoxNotificationType.ProtectedWorksheetError)
        e.IsHandled = true;

Public Sub AttachToMessageShowingEvent()
    AddHandler Me.radSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetElement.MessageShowing, AddressOf radSpreadsheet_MessageShowing
End Sub
Private Sub radSpreadsheet_MessageShowing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As MessageShowingEventArgs)
    If e.NotificationType = Telerik.WinForms.Controls.Spreadsheet.Dialogs.MessageBoxNotificationType.ProtectedWorksheetError Then
        e.IsHandled = True
    End If
End Sub

  • WorkbookCommandError: Notifies that an error occurred while executing a command in RadSpreadsheet. The arguments are of type CommandErrorEventArgs and you can use the Exception property to check what exactly the error is.

  • WorkbookChanging: Occurs when the workbook starts changing.

  • WorkbookChanged: Occurs when the workbook is changed.

  • WorkbookCommandExecuting: Occurs when workbook command starts executing. The arguments are of type CommandExecutingEventArgs and allow you to cancel the execution of the command.

Example 2: Cancel a command through WorkbookCommandExecuting

private void radSpreadsheet_WorkbookCommandExecuting(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Commands.CommandExecutingEventArgs e)
    if (e.CommandName == "AddShapeCommand")

Private Sub radSpreadsheet_WorkbookCommandExecuting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Windows.Documents.Spreadsheet.Commands.CommandExecutingEventArgs)
    If e.CommandName = "AddShapeCommand" Then
    End If
End Sub

  • WorkbookCommandExecuted: Occurs when workbook command is executed.

  • WorkbookContentChanged: Occurs when the content of the workbook is changed.

Workbook Events

  • ActiveSheetChanged: Occurs when the active sheet is changed.

  • WorkbookContentChanged: Occurs when the workbook content is changed.

  • IsProtectedChanged: Occurs when the current protection state has changed.

  • NameChanged: Occurs when the name of the workbook is changed.

  • ThemeChanged: Occurs when a theme is changed.

Worksheet Events

  • IsProtectedChanged: Occurs when the current protection state has changed.

  • LayoutInvalidated: Occurs when the layout is invalidated.

  • NameChanged: Occurs when the name of the worksheet is changed.

RadWorksheetEditor Events

  • PreviewSheetChanging: Occurs just before the sheet changing begins.

  • SheetChanging: Occurs when the sheet is changing.

  • PreviewSheetChanged: Occurs just before the sheet changing ends.

  • SheetChanged: Occurs when the sheet is already changed.

  • ScaleFactorChanged: Occurs when the scale factor is changed.

  • UICommandExecuting: Occurs when a UI command is executing. Using the event arguments, you can obtain the command that is going to be executed with its parameters.

  • UICommandExecuted: Occurs when the UI command is executed. Using the event arguments, you can obtain the command that was executed with its parameters.

  • UICommandError: Occurs on UI command error. The event args expose the Exception property, which can help you get the error that was thrown.

  • ScrollModeChanged: Occurs when the scroll mode is changed.

  • ActivePresenterChanged: Occurs when the active presenter is changed.

The events related to selection in RadSpreadsheet are described in the Working with UI Selection topic.

Cells Events

  • CellPropertyChanged: Occurs when a property of a cell is changed. The event arguments are of type CellPropertyChangedEventArgs and expose information about the exact property that was changed as well as the affected cell range. Example 3 demonstrates how you can use the event to get a notification when the users change the fill of a cell.

Example 3: Using the CellPropertyChangedEvent

public void AttachToCellPropertyChangedEvent()
    this.radSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetElement.ActiveWorksheet.Cells.CellPropertyChanged += Cells_CellPropertyChanged;
private void Cells_CellPropertyChanged(object sender, CellPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
    if (e.Property == CellPropertyDefinitions.FillProperty)
        RadMessageBox.Show("The fill of a cell was changed!");

Public Sub AttachToCellPropertyChangedEvent()
    AddHandler Me.radSpreadsheet.SpreadsheetElement.ActiveWorksheet.Cells.CellPropertyChanged, AddressOf Cells_CellPropertyChanged
End Sub
Private Sub Cells_CellPropertyChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CellPropertyChangedEventArgs)
    If e.Property Is CellPropertyDefinitions.FillProperty Then
        RadMessageBox.Show("The fill of a cell was changed!")
    End If
End Sub

  • CellRangeInsertedOrRemoved: Occurs when a cell range is inserted or removed. Through the arguments, you can obtain information about the affected ranges, as well as whether the range is removed or not.

  • MergedCellsChanged: Occurs when the merged cells collection in a worksheet is changed. The MergedCellRangesChangedEventArgs class represents the event arguments and holds the cell range related to the change.

Row/Column Events

  • ColumnsWidthChanged: Occurs when the columns' widths are changed.

  • RowsHeightsChanged: Occurs when the rows' heights are changed.

The arguments of the two events are of type RowColumnPropertyChangedEventArgs and expose the following properties:

  • Property: Gets the property that was changed.
  • FromIndex: Gets the first index of the changed range.
  • ToIndex: Gets the last index of the changed range.

See Also

In this article