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Property Description
ViewMode Gets or sets the current mode of the view.
SelectedPage Gets or sets the RadPageViewPage instance that is currently selected within the view.
Pages Gets the collection of pages for this view.
ViewElement Gets the current RadPageViewElement instance that represents the UI of the view.
DefaultPage Gets or sets the default RadPageViewPage that will be loaded after EndInit of the control. If the DefaultPage is null the currently selected page will be loaded.
ItemSizeMode Gets or sets the text orientation of the item within the owning RadPageViewElement instance.
ItemSize Gets or sets the size of the items when ItemSizeMode of RadPageView is PageViewItemSizeMode.EqualSize.
SelectionWrap Gets or sets whether the pages will be wrapped around when performing selection using the arrow keys. If the property is set to true, pressing the right arrow key when the last page is selected will result in selecting the first page.
AllowShowFocusCues Indicates the focus cues visibility when available, based on the corresponding control type and the current UI state.
ViewElement.UseMnemonic Determines whether ampersand character will be treated as mnemonic or not.
EnablePeekPopup Gets or sets a value indicating whether a peek pop-up can be shown when an item is hovered with the mouse. The content of the peek pop-up needs to be set in the RadPageViewElement.PeekPopupOpening event.
PeekPopup Gets the peek pop-up, which is represented by a RadCallout.
PeekPopupInterval Gets or sets the interval needed to show a PeekPopup after a RadPageViewItem is hovered.


Method Description
EnsurePageVisible Ensures that the passed page as an argument will be visible.
ShowPeekPopup Shows a peek pop-up over a RadPageViewItem. The content of the peek pop-up needs to be set in the RadPageViewElement.PeekPopupOpening event.


Event Description
ItemDropping Occurs when an item is about to be dropped over another item.
ItemDropped Occurs when an item was dropped over another item.
ItemCreating Raised when page item is about to be created.
NewPageRequested Raised when the current mode of the view is about to change. Cancelable.
ViewModeChanging Raised when the current mode of the view is about to change. Cancelable.
ViewModeChanged Raised when the current mode of the view has changed.
ItemListMenuDisplaying Raised when the built-in ItemsList menu is about to be displayed. Cancelable.
ItemListMenuDisplayed Raised when the built-in ItemsList menu is displayed.
PageAdding Raised when a new page is about to be added to the view. Cancelable.
PageAdded Raised when a new page has been successfully added to the view.
PageRemoving Raised when a page is about to be removed from the view. Cancelable.
PageRemoved Raised when a page has been successfully removed from the view.
PageIndexChanging Raised when a page is about to change its index. Cancelable.
PageIndexChanged Raised when a page's index has been successfully changed.
PagesClearing Raised when all pages are about to be removed from the view. Cancelable.
PagesCleared Raised when all pages have been successfully removed from the view.
PageExpanding Raised when the content of a RadPageViewPage is expanding. This event is only raised when the view mode of the control is set to ExplorerBar.
PageExpanded Raised when the content of a RadPageViewPage is expanded. This event is only raised when the view mode of the control is set to ExplorerBar.
PageCollapsing Raised when the content of a RadPageViewPage is collapsing. This event is only raised when the view mode of the control is set to ExplorerBar.
PageCollapsed Raised when the content of a RadPageViewPage is collapsed. This event is only raised when the view mode of the control is set to ExplorerBar.
SelectedPageChanging Raised when currently selected page has changed.
SelectedPageChanged Raised when currently selected page has changed.
SuspendEvents Temporary suspends event raising.
ResumeEvents Resumes event raising, previously suspended by a SuspendEvents call.
PeekPopupOpening Fired when the peek pop-up is about to be shown. In this event you need to populate the content of the peek pop-up, otherwise it will not be displayed.
PeekPopupClosed Fired when the peek pop-up has been closed.
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