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This article describes the inner structure and organization of the elements which build the RadMap control.

Figure 1: RadMap's Elements Hierarchy

WinForms RadMap Elements Hierarchy

Figure 2: RadMap Visual Structure

WinForms RadMap Visual Structure

  1. MapLegendElement: represents the legend
    1.1. MapLegendTitleElement: represents the legend's title
    1.2. MapLedendSubtitleElement: represents the legend's subtitle
    1.3. MapLegendItemElement: represents a legend's item
  2. MapScaleIndicatorElement: represents the scale indicator
  3. MapSearchBarElement: represents the search bar
    3.1. MapSearchIconElement: represents the search icon
    3.2. RadTextBoxElement: represents the search text box
  4. MiniMapElement: represents the mini map
    4.1. MiniMapToggleButtonElement: represents the mini map expand/collapse button
  5. MapNavigationBarElement: represents the navigation bar
    5.1. MapZoonInButton: represents the zoom in button
    5.2. MapZoomOutButton: represents the zoom out button
    5.3. MapViewButton: represents the view button
    5.4. MapNavigationElement: represents the navigation element
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