Map Factory
RadMap provides means for changing the default MapPoint, MapPolyline, MapPolygon, MapPath, MapCluster or MapTile elements.
If you need to customize any of these elements you can use the MapVisualElementFactory class. It allows you to replace the default elements with custom ones. This can be achieved by creating a MapVisualElementFactory descendant class and overriding one of the following methods according to the element you want to replace. Then, set the static RadMapElement.VisualElementFactory property before starting the usage of RadMap.
- C#
public partial class CustomMapFactory : Form
public CustomMapFactory()
//Specify the map factory
RadMapElement.VisualElementFactory = new MyMapVisualElementFactory();
//Specify the map provider
string cacheFolder = @"C:\cache";
OpenStreetMapProvider osmProvider = new OpenStreetMapProvider();
LocalFileCacheProvider cache = new LocalFileCacheProvider(cacheFolder);
osmProvider.CacheProvider = cache;
public class MyMapVisualElementFactory : MapVisualElementFactory
public override MapVisualElement CreatePoint(Telerik.WinControls.UI.Map.PointG location)
return base.CreatePoint(location);
public override MapVisualElement CreatePolyline(System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<Telerik.WinControls.UI.Map.PointG> points)
MapPolyline polyline = new MapPolyline(points);
return polyline;
public override MapVisualElement CreatePolygon(System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<Telerik.WinControls.UI.Map.PointG> points)
MapPolygon polygon = new MapPolygon(points);
return polygon;
public override MapVisualElement CreatePath(System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection<Telerik.WinControls.UI.Map.PointG>> points)
MapPath path = new MapPath(points);
return path;
public override MapCluster CreateCluster()
MapCluster cluster = new MapCluster();
return cluster;
public override MapTile CreateTile(Image image, Rectangle rectangle)
MapTile tile = new MapTile(image, rectangle);
return tile;
Sub New()
'Specify the map factory
RadMapElement.VisualElementFactory = New MyMapVisualElementFactory()
'Specify the map provider
Dim cacheFolder As String = "C:\cache"
Dim osmProvider As OpenStreetMapProvider = New OpenStreetMapProvider()
Dim cache As LocalFileCacheProvider = New LocalFileCacheProvider(cacheFolder)
osmProvider.CacheProvider = cache
End Sub
Public Class MyMapVisualElementFactory
Inherits MapVisualElementFactory
Public Overrides Function CreatePoint(ByVal location As Telerik.WinControls.UI.Map.PointG) As MapVisualElement
Return MyBase.CreatePoint(location)
End Function
Public Overrides Function CreatePolyline(ByVal points As System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection(Of Telerik.WinControls.UI.Map.PointG)) As MapVisualElement
Dim polyline As MapPolyline = New MapPolyline(points)
Return polyline
End Function
Public Overrides Function CreatePolygon(ByVal points As System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection(Of Telerik.WinControls.UI.Map.PointG)) As MapVisualElement
Dim polygon As MapPolygon = New MapPolygon(points)
Return polygon
End Function
Public Overrides Function CreatePath(ByVal points As System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection(Of System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection(Of Telerik.WinControls.UI.Map.PointG))) As MapVisualElement
Dim path As MapPath = New MapPath(points)
Return path
End Function
Public Overrides Function CreateCluster() As MapCluster
Dim cluster As MapCluster = New MapCluster()
Return cluster
End Function
Public Overrides Function CreateTile(ByVal image As Image, ByVal rectangle As Rectangle) As MapTile
Dim tile As MapTile = New MapTile(image, rectangle)
Return tile
End Function
End Class