Working with a Single Label
RadialGaugeSingleLabel is suitable to present additional information for the RadRadialGauge, e.g. current value.To add a single label to the gauge, you should add it via the RadradialGauge.Items collection.
Figure 1: Single Label
You can customize the single label's look by using the following properties:
BindValue: Indicates whether the single label's text is bound to the gauge's Value.
LocationPercentage: Controls the label's location (x, y) according to the center point. LocationPercentage: Accepts values withing the range [(-1,-1), (1,1)]. On the picture below, the green single label has LocationPercentage = (0, 1).
Figure 2: Location Percentage
- LabelFontSize: Specifies the label size.
Figure 3: Font Size
- LabelFormat: Specifies the label format. By default, it is set to #,##0.#. On the following picture the single label has format N2.
Figure 3: Format