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Property Description Image
ColorDialogForm Gets the instance of RadColorDialogForm, which incorporates various settings of the underlaying color selection Form and ColorSelector user control.
Icon Gets or sets the icon displayed for this dialog.
RadColorDialogForm.ActiveMode Determines the currently selected tab.  Valid enumeration values from Telerik.WinControls.ColorPickerActiveMode are Basic, System, Web,Professional.
RadColorDialogForm.AllowColorPickFromScreen When true (the default) the "eye dropper" tool is displayed. WinForms RadColorDialog AllowColorPickFromScreen
RadColorDialogForm.AllowColorSaving Toggles the "Add a custom color" button visibility. WinForms RadColorDialog AllowColorSaving
BackColor The background color of the color selector as a whole. You can also set this color to be Transparent to have it blend in with your other UI elements.
ForeColor The color for labels and text entry.
SelectedColor In the figure below the SelectedColor is labeled as "New".
RadColorDialogForm.OldColor In the figure below the OldColor is labeled as "Current". WinForms RadColorDialog OldColor
RadColorDialogForm.ShowBasicColors If true (the default) the corresponding Basic tab is displayed.
RadColorDialogForm.ShowSystemColors If true (the default) the corresponding System tab is displayed.
RadColorDialogForm.ShowWebColors If true (the default) the corresponding Web tab is displayed.
RadColorDialogForm.ShowProfessionalColors If true (the default) the corresponding Professional tab is displayed.
RadColorDialogForm.AllowEditHEXValue If true (the default) enables hexadecimal entry of color values.
RadColorDialogForm.ShowHEXColorValue If true (the default) displays the hexadecimal entry of color values. WinForms RadColorDialog ShowHEXColorValue
RadColorDialogForm.CustomColors[] This is a read-only array of Color objects.  You can query the contents of the custom colors displayed along the bottom of the selector. WinForms RadColorDialog CustomColors
RadColorDialogForm.RadColorSelector Gets the color selector
RadColorDialogForm.AddNewColorButtonText Gets or sets the text of the add new color button.
RadColorDialogForm.BasicTabHeading Gets or sets the heading of the basic colors tab.
RadColorDialogForm.SystemTabHeading Gets or sets the heading of the system colors tab.
RadColorDialogForm.WebTabHeading Gets or sets the heading of the web colors tab.
RadColorDialogForm.ProfessionalTabHeading Gets or sets the heading of the professional colors tab.
RadColorDialogForm.SelectedColorLabelHeading Gets or sets the heading of the selected color label.
RadColorDialogForm.OldColorLabelHeading Gets or sets the heading of the old color label.
RadColorDialogForm.SelectedColor Gets or sets the new color.
RadColorDialogForm.SelectedHslColor Gets or sets selected HSL color.
RadColorSelector.SaveCustomColors Gets or sets a value indicatign whether custom colors should be save upon exiting the color picker.

You can find below how to enlist all custom colors in RadColorDialog:

Enlist the current custom colors in RadColorDialog

private void radButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    foreach (Color color in radColorDialog1.CustomColors)

Private Sub RadButton1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles RadButton1.Click
    Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
    For Each color As Color In RadColorDialog1.CustomColors
End Sub


Method Description
Reset Resets the properties of a color dialog box to their default values. Replaces the underlaying ColorDialogForm with new instance.


Event Description
RadColorDialogForm.ColorChanged Fires when the selected color has changed.
RadColorSelector.OkButtonClicked Fires when the OK button is clicked
RadColorSelector.CancelButtonClicked Fires when the Cancel button is clicked
RadColorSelector.CustomColorsConfigLocationNeeded Fires when custom colors configuration is about to be saved or loaded.Can be used to change the default location of the configuration file.

See Also

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