The Header area of RadCalendar is located above the calendar's content area. The header contains the calendar title and the navigation buttons.
Use the the following properties to modify title appearance and functionality:
TitleFormat: Gets or sets the format string that is applied to the calendar title.
TitleAlign: Gets or sets the horizontal alignment of calendar's title.
ShowHeader: Gets or sets whether the calendar will display the title.
ShowNavigationButtons: Gets or sets whether the navigation buttons should be visible.
ShowFastNavigationButtons: Gets or sets whether the fast navigation buttons should be visible.
FastNavigationNextImage: Gets or sets the image that is displayed for the fast next navigation control.
FastNavigationNextText: Gets or sets the text that is displayed for the fast next navigation control.
FastNavigationNextToolTip: Gets or sets the tool tip that is displayed for the fast next navigation control.
FastNavigationPrevImage: Gets or sets the image that is displayed for the fast previous navigation control.
FastNavigationPrevText: Gets or sets the text that is displayed for the fast previous navigation control.
FastNavigationPrevToolTip: Gets or sets the tool tip that is displayed for the fast previous navigation control.
NavigationNextImage: Gets or sets the image that is displayed for the navigation next control.
NavigationNextText: Gets or sets the text that is displayed for the navigation next control.
NavigationNextToolTip: Gets or sets the tool tip that is displayed for the navigation next control.
NavigationPrevImage: Gets or sets the image that is displayed for the navigation previous control.
NavigationPrevText: Gets or sets the text that is displayed for the navigation previous rev control.
NavigationPrevToolTip: Gets or sets the tool tip that is displayed for the navigation previous control.
FastNavigationStep: Gets or sets the number of views that will be scrolled when the user clicks on a fast navigation link.
Title Properties
You can customize the RadCalendar Title to define how and what information should be shown:
Control title alignment using the TitleAlign property.
Control title format using the TitleFormat property. For details about available format characters see the Date Format Pattern topic.
The separator string that is placed between the start and end dates in a MultiView title is controlled by the DateRangeSeparator property.
To allow navigation in the calendar, set the EnableNavigation property to true. Customize the fast navigation buttons using the following properties: