New to Telerik UI for .NET MAUI? Start a free 30-day trial

Removing the Trial Message after Purchasing a License


Version Product Author
All versions Telerik UI for .NET MAUI Dobrinka Yordanova


While using a trial license, a trial message is rendered over the components and you see a popup window:

Telerik .NET MAUI Trial Message

If you have a commercial license, but you still see the trial message:

  1. Ensure that the licensed package is referenced in the project (Telerik.UI.for.Maui instead of Telerik.UI.for.Maui.Trial).

  2. Uninstall any installed trial versions from the machine.

  3. If you have created local NuGet feeds, ensure they do not contain Trial versions of our packages.

  4. Clean the NuGet packages on the machine.

  5. Clean the projects.

  6. Delete the bin and obj folders where packages and assemblies may be cached.

  7. Re-build your project.

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