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Implementing Localization in .NET MAUI SegmentedControl


Version Product
9.0.0 Telerik UI for .NET MAUI SegmentedControl


When working with the SegmentedControl for .NET MAUI, you might need to localize the text displayed in each segment.

This knowledge base article also answers the following questions:

  • How to localize the text when the control's ItemsSource is an Array of strings?
  • How to use a resource (.resx) file for localization?
  • How to localize strings in an array?


To localize the text inside the segments of the SegmentedControl:

1. Create a .resx file to store the strings. In the example below, the .resx file is named MyResource.

.NET MAUI Resource file for localization

The resource file contains the following information for each item:

  • Name—Specifies the key used to access the text in code.
  • NeturalValue—Specifies the translated text.

2. In XAML, access the generic static properties in the SegmentedControl.ItemsSource by using the x:Static markup extension:

<telerik:RadSegmentedControl x:Name="segmentControlText"
        <x:Array Type="{x:Type x:String}">
            <x:Static Member="local:MyResource.Popular"/>
            <x:Static Member="local:MyResource.Library"/>
            <x:Static Member="local:MyResource.Playlists"/>
            <x:Static Member="local:MyResource.Friends"/>

3. Add the following namespaces:


This is the result when applying localization for segments:

.NET MAUI SegmentedControl localization

See Also

In this article