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Overriding MinWidth in NumericInput for MAUI


Product Version
NumericInput for MAUI 7.0.0


When styling the NumericInput with HorizontalTextAlignment set to End, the value is cut off as the control's width decreases. This issue occurs because the InputEditor has a MinWidth of 64.

This KB article also answers the following questions:

  • How can I prevent the NumericInput value from being cut off when aligned to the end?
  • Is it possible to customize the MinWidth of the NumericInput's InputEditor in MAUI?
  • How to adjust the NumericInput's styling to utilize unused space on the left?


To address the issue of the NumericInput's value being cut off due to the MinWidth setting of the InputEditor, follow these steps:

  1. Define the ControlTemplate—To access RadNumericInput's internal NumericInputEntry subcomponent, follow the directions in the NumericInput - ControlTemplate documentation.

  2. Subscribe to the NumericInputEntry's Loaded Event:

        <telerik:NumericInputEntry x:Name="PART_Entry"
                           Style="{TemplateBinding ActualEntryStyle}"
            private void OnNumericInputLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
  3. Access the native Entry element—To access platform-specific implementation, use conditional compilation #ifdef for WINDOWS, and define the Handler.PlatformView as the abstract RadMauiEntry type.

            private void OnNumericInputLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
    #if WINDOWS
            if ((sender as NumericInputEntry)?.Handler?.PlatformView is RadMauiEntry nativeEntry)
    1. Set the Inputeditor's MinWdith property—With access to the handler's PlatformView, you can now set the MinWidth property of the concrete native WinUI InputEditor (which is of type RadTextBox).
            private void OnNumericInputLoaded(object sender, EventArgs e)
    #if WINDOWS
            if ((sender as NumericInputEntry)?.Handler?.PlatformView is RadMauiEntry nativeEntry)
                // Concrete instance of InputEditor is WinUI RadTextBox
                nativeEntry.InputEditor.MinWidth = 0;


  • Customizing internal settings of controls should be done with an understanding of the potential impact on control behavior and layout.
  • Always test customization thoroughly to ensure it meets your application's requirements.

See Also

In this article