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Creating a Two-Level Hierarchy Menu in Toolbar for .NET MAUI


Version Product Author
9.0.0 Telerik UI for .NET MAUI Toolbar Dobrinka Yordanova


In desktop applications, creating a two-layer hierarchy menu in the Toolbar component might be necessary to organize actions or options efficiently. The goal is to have a main menu item that, when interacted with, displays a secondary level of menu items, possibly on the right side.

This knowledge base article also answers the following questions:

  • How to add nested menus in the Toolbar for .NET MAUI?
  • How to use a context menu to create a multi-level menu structure in the Toolbar?
  • How to implement a drop-down button with nested items in the .NET MAUI Toolbar?


To create a two-layer hierarchy menu within the Toolbar component for .NET MAUI, utilize the .NET MAUI Context Menu. This approach involves using a DropDownButtonToolbarItem and customizing its content template to include nested MenuFlyoutSubItem elements. The context menu provides a native way to implement nested menus, especially suited for desktop applications where it can be triggered with a right-click.

Here is a XAML snippet to define a Toolbar with a drop-down button that opens a nested menu:

        <telerik:DropDownButtonToolbarItem Text="DropDownButton">
                <FontImageSource Glyph="{x:Static telerik:TelerikFont.IconBulleting}"
                                 FontFamily="{x:Static telerik:TelerikFont.Name}"
                                 Size="16" />
                        <VerticalStackLayout Padding="10">
                            <Label Text="Menu 1">
                                        <MenuFlyoutItem Text="Item 1"
                                                        CommandParameter="Param1" />
                                        <MenuFlyoutSubItem Text="Item 2">
                                            <MenuFlyoutItem Text="Item 21"
                                                            CommandParameter="Param2" />
                                            <MenuFlyoutItem Text="Item 22"
                                                            CommandParameter="Param3" />
                                            <MenuFlyoutItem Text="Item 23"
                                                            CommandParameter="Param4" />
                            <Label Text="Numbered" />
                            <Label Text="Multilevel" />

This snippet demonstrates the creation of a Toolbar with a drop-down button. The button, when clicked, reveals a context menu with multiple selections, including a nested submenu (MenuFlyoutSubItem) for organizing related items. The context menu is triggered on a desktop with a right-click action.

See Also

In this article