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Implementing the CheckBoxUserCommand Behavior When Migrating from Xamarin CheckBox to MAUI CheckBox


Version Product Author
6.7.0 Telerik UI for .NET MAUI CheckBox Dobrinka Yordanova


When migrating your Xamarin app to MAUI, you may notice that the CheckBoxUserCommand behavior is missing in the Telerik MAUI CheckBox control. This article will show you how to implement a similar scenario in MAUI.


To achieve a similar behavior in MAUI, you can use the IsCheckedChanged event along with the EventToCommandBehavior from the Microsoft Community Toolkit for MAUI.

1. Add the EventToCommandBehavior package to your MAUI project. You can find more information on how to do this in the Microsoft Community Toolkit documentation.

2. In your MAUI XAML file, add the RadCheckBox control and the EventToCommandBehavior as a behavior.

<telerik:RadCheckBox IsCheckedChanged="RadCheckBox_IsCheckedChanged">
        <toolkit:EventToCommandBehavior EventName="IsCheckedChanged"
                                        Command="{Binding CheckedCommand}" />

By using the IsCheckedChanged event and the EventToCommandBehavior, you can achieve a similar behavior to the CheckBoxUserCommand in the Xamarin CheckBox control.


  • Make sure to add the necessary namespaces for the RadCheckBox and EventToCommandBehavior controls in your XAML file.
  • You may need to adjust the event handler or command binding based on your specific implementation.

See Also

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