Apply MaskedEntry Cursor Position at the Beginning
Version | Product | Author |
6.1.0 | Telerik UI for .NET MAUI MaskedEntry | Dobrinka Yordanova |
This article shows how to set the CursorPosition
property of the MaskedEntry control when the control receives Focus.
You need to define a MaskedEntry and when control receives focus, implement the logic to set the CursorPosition
at the beginning of the text. Here is the code:
1. MaskedEntry definition in XAML:
<telerik:RadTextMaskedEntry Focused="RadTextMaskedEntry_Focused" Mask="#####" FontSize="26" x:Name="mask"/>
2. Focused event handler implementation:
private void RadTextMaskedEntry_Focused(object sender, FocusEventArgs e)
if (IsMaskEmpty(this.mask.Text))
RadEntry entry = ChildrenOfType<RadEntry>(this.mask).FirstOrDefault();
if (entry != null)
this.mask.Dispatcher.DispatchDelayed(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.01), () =>
#if IOS
entry.CursorPosition = 1;
entry.CursorPosition = 0;
private static IEnumerable<T> ChildrenOfType<T>(IView view)
where T : IView
if (view is T t)
yield return t;
if (view is Layout layout)
foreach (var child in layout.Children)
foreach (var tChild in ChildrenOfType<T>(child))
yield return tChild;
private static bool IsMaskEmpty(string text)
foreach (var ch in text)
if (ch != '_')
return false;
return true;