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Horizontal ListView in GridLayout


Product Author
Telerik UI for .NET MAUI ListView Dobrinka Yordanova


This article described how to set the horizontal orientation of the ListView when GridLayout definition is used.


The RadListView has two type of layout definitions - Linear and Grid. Both definitions has Orientation property which allows you to set the layout orientation to Horizontal or Vertical.

The default value of Orientation property is Vertical. If you want to apply horizontal orientation to Linear or Grid layout, set the property to Horizontal.

ListViewGridLayout with Horizontal orientation:

    <telerik:ListViewGridLayout Orientation="Horizontal"/>

ListViewGridLayout with Horizontal orientation:

    <telerik:ListViewGridLayout Orientation="Horizontal"/>

ListViewLinearLayout with Horizontal orientation:

    <telerik:ListViewLinearLayout Orientation="Horizontal"/>

See Also

-ListView Layouts

In this article