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How to Hide the No Result Message in the AutoComplete for .NET MAUI


Version Product Author
6.7.0 Telerik UI for .NET MAUI ComboBox Dobrinka Yordanova


I want to hide the No result message window in the AutoComplete control for .NET MAUI when the entered email has not been saved in the system.


To hide the No results message when there is nothing to show:

1. Set the NoResultsMessage property to an empty string.

<telerik:RadAutoComplete x:Name="autoComplete" NoResultsMessage=" " ... />
The message won't be displayed but the Suggestion View will be visible. If you want to hide the Suggestion View: **2.** Set the `SuggestionViewBackgroundColor` property to a transparent color.
<telerik:RadAutoComplete x:Name="autoComplete" SuggestionViewBackgroundColor="Transparent" ... />

3. Set the SuggestionViewBorderColor property to a transparent color.

<telerik:RadAutoComplete x:Name="autoComplete" SuggestionViewBorderColor="Transparent" ... />

4. Set the SuggestionViewBorderThickness property to 0.

<telerik:RadAutoComplete x:Name="autoComplete" SuggestionViewBorderThickness="0" ... />

5. Set the SuggestionViewHeight property to 0.

<telerik:RadAutoComplete x:Name="autoComplete" SuggestionViewHeight="0" ... />

Note: Make sure to adjust the property values according to your specific implementation.

See Also

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